Throat Chakra Healing Guide | Vishuddha Chakra

What is the main difference between humans and all other beings on our planet?

We have all received a unique gift, which gives us the power to communicate with others and express our individuality.

This is the gift of our authentic voice and the ability to speak the truthThe throat chakra holds the key to unlocking this unique gift.

Balanced and healthy blue chakra will allow you to express yourself with clarity and in a creative way.

Would you like to know how to claim this beautiful gift?
Do you want to know how to heal and open your first gateway to higher spiritual realms?

In this article, I’m going to help you to awaken “The Speaker” within you and show you some of the best ways to heal your blocked throat chakra.

Let’s begin!

Article Contents

1. What Is The Throat Chakra?
2. What Is The Function of Throat Chakra?
3. Throat Chakra Symbol Meaning | What Does The Throat Chakra Represent? 
4. Throat Chakra Color Meaning | Why Is The Throat Chakra Blue?
5. Throat Chakra Imbalance 
6. Throat Chakra Blockage
7. Throat Chakra Healing 
8. How Do I Open My Throat Chakra?
Throat Chakra Sound Therapy Exercises
    > Use Your Own Voice
    > Listen
– Throat Chakra Affirmations
– Throat Chakra Yoga Poses and Neck Exercises
Throat Chakra Breathing Exercises
   > Breath of Fire

   > Lions Breath
   > Alternate Nostril Breathing
– Throat Chakra Meditation
– Throat Chakra Stones and Crystals
– Healing Throat Chakra with Food
– Healing Throat Chakra with Essential Oils
9. Throat Chakra Opening Symptoms
10. References


See also  Chakra Affirmations: The Ultimate List For All 7 Chakras

What Is The Throat Chakra? 

The throat chakra is the 5th energy center from the bottom, located at the neck, in the region of the cervical vertebrae, and it reaches from shoulders all the way up to medulla oblongata (part of the brainstem). 

Healthy throat chakra vibrates to the color of blue, with ether (space) as its dominant element. 

The Sanskrit name for a throat chakra is ‘Vishuddha,’ which means “purification” as it is where higher spiritual energy is channeled into the physical body.

The body requires a certain degree of purification in lower chakras in order to activate the fifth chakra successfully. 

Bharatisthana (“God of the Speech”) is another name for this chakra.

Throat Chakra Vishuddha Chakra Symbol and Characteristics

What Is The Function of Throat Chakra?

Some of the main functions of throat chakra are communication, purification, creativity, and expressing your authenticityThe throat chakra is the center of sound and speech.

However, the most important aspect of the Throat Chakra function is not how you speak, but what you speak, and how truthful your words are. 

In other words, this chakra holds your ability to fearlessly communicate your authentic selfA healthy throat chakra will allow you to express yourself and speak the truth from a place of integrity.

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What’s the bottom line?

Communication through sound can be perceived as your first gateway to transcend the limitations of the physical body.

Your ability to communicate things clearly can determine the quality of experiences in your life.

Throat Chakra Communication


Throat Chakra Symbol Meaning

Throat chakra symbol is a bright, blue lotus with 16 petals, decorated by all vowels of the Sanskrit language

In the center of the lotus, there is a downward-facing triangle with a circle inside of it, representing the element of space (ether) and a syllable ‘HAM’ हं, known as throat chakra Bija Mantra.

The deity identified with Throat Chakra is Sadashiva, a god/goddess normally dressed in a tiger skin with five heads (representing 5 elements) and ten arms. Sadashiva is an expression of the Yin and Yang equilibrium and eternal purity.

Throat Chakra Deity Sadashiva with Vishuddha Symbol

Throat Chakra Color Meaning

Blue color represents freedom, purity, loyalty, imagination, clarity, confidence, and trust.

Blue is regarded to be a color of the spirit, and it is believed to have a beneficial impact on the body and mind. The blue color is also cooling in nature, and it will allow you to feel calmer, more peaceful, and balanced whenever you express yourself.

The element associated with the throat chakra is space, and the biggest open spaces on our planet (sky and sea) are blue.

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Blue Chakra Throat Chakra Color Meaning

Throat Chakra Imbalance

One of the main signs of imbalance in your throat chakra is the inability to express yourself and an overall feeling of inadequacy.

The archetype of the person with the closed throat chakra is known as the ‘Silent ChildSilent Child doesn’t believe that his/her ideas, views, or opinions are valuable to the collective.

This archetype hangs on to its emotions and does not publicly expose its intense pain, hurt, and angerIt suppresses that which is too frightening or unpleasant to say due to feelings of fear and shameSilent Child sometimes channels this negative energy into artistic and creative endeavors. 

Imbalance in Throat Chakra can be also created through substance abuseDrugs,…

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