Intuition: What Is It? (And How to Listen to Yours) | Aglow Lifestyle

You’ve probably heard people throwing around the word “intuition” a lot lately.

Everyone from your co-worker to your favorite celebrity, is talking about how they “just had a feeling” or “knew something was going to happen.”

But what is intuition really?

And how can you start listening to your own intuition more?

In this article, I’ll guide you through everything you need to know about intuition, from what it is, to how to start listening to your own inner guidance.

What is your intuition?

The truth is, intuition is a real phenomenon, and it can be a powerful tool on your spiritual path.

Intuition is our soul’s way of communicating with us; it’s a gut feeling, an inner knowing, or a hunch that comes from a place beyond our rational mind.

It’s almost like getting a glimpse into the future or knowing something without being able to explain it logically.

Intuition is often seen as a feminine quality, but everyone has it.

It’s just that some people are better at listening to it than others.

When we learn to listen to our intuition, it can guide us in making decisions, solving problems, and living a more aligned and purposeful life.

Why is it important to listen to your intuition?

Intuition is one of the most important tools we have on our spiritual journey.

It can help us make decisions that align with our highest good, and it can protect us from making choices that might not be in our best interest.

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In a world that is often overwhelming and chaotic, our intuition can be a guiding light that helps us to stay connected to our authentic selves.

Learning to listen to our intuition can also help us to trust ourselves more, and to know that a higher power always supports us, even when things are tough.

6 signs that your intuition is trying to speak to you

1. You have a strong gut feeling about something.

2. You keep seeing the same number or hearing the same word repeatedly.

3. You get a sudden flash of insight about something.

4. You have an unexplainable urge to do something.

5. You feel like you’re being guided in a certain direction.

6. You receive guidance in the form of a dream or intuition.

How to develop and listen to your intuition

If you’re not used to listening to your intuition, it can be hard to know how to start.

When I first started on my spiritual path, I had difficulty recognizing when my intuition was trying to speak to me.

I’ve taken some time to compile a list of tips that have helped me develop and listen to my intuition, so I hope it helps you too,

1. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings

Your intuition will often communicate with you through your thoughts and feelings.

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You might have a gut feeling that something is off, or you might feel like you’re being guided in a certain direction.

Pay attention to what you’re feeling.

Take some time and really try to quiet your mind and analyze where those feelings are coming from.

See if you can find a correlation between your feelings and your intuition.

Of course, sometimes, you will experience passing feelings that don’t have anything to do with your intuition, but if you pay attention, you’ll start to notice patterns.

2. Make time for reflection

It can be hard to listen to your intuition if your mind is always racing.

One of the best ways to quiet your mind and get in touch with your intuition is to spend time in contemplation and reflection.

Take some time each day to sit in silence and just be still.

Allow yourself to just be in the moment and see what comes up for you.

You might find that your mind is very noisy at first, but you’ll start to hear what your intuition is trying to tell you with time and practice.

3. Practice meditation

Along with contemplation and reflection, meditation is a great way to connect with your intuition.

When you meditate, you’re allowing yourself to quiet your mind and connect with your inner voice.

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There are many different ways to meditate, so don’t be afraid to experiment until you find a method that works for you.

4. Journal

I personally love journaling because it brings so many different benefits related to your spiritual journey – you can journal to help with manifestation, to process your thoughts and feelings, or to connect with your intuition.

When you journal, you’re allowing yourself to express yourself freely and without judgment.

You might find that your intuition speaks to you more easily when you’re journaling because you’re not censoring yourself.

Just let whatever comes to mind flow out onto the paper and see what happens.

5. Connect with nature

Many people have become disconnected from nature, but I believe that it’s essential for our spiritual growth.

The natural world is full of energy and magic, and when we connect with it, we can start to connect with our intuition.

Spend time outside in nature and really take in your surroundings.

Feel the sun on your skin, the wind in your hair, and the earth under your feet.

Allow yourself to…

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