11 Signs You Have Karmic Debt And How To Clear It

Karma is a law of the universe; most simply summarized by the saying ‘what goes around comes around’. It’s a completion of the circle of cause and effect or sowing and reaping.

Our behavior, including our thoughts, actions, words, and intentions, will always affect the experience we create for ourselves.

Karmic debt is the energy or experiences that we owe. We go through these karmic debt experiences as payment for our past choices. 

The universal law of karma, of course, applies to both positive and negative actions.

When we discuss karmic debt, it is more often in the context of negative experience, as we are seeking to understand and alchemize the lessons from these situations.

In this article, we will explore the concept of karmic debt and learn how to intentionally settle or clear karmic debt.

What Is Karmic Debt?

Karmic debt is the effect or consequence of your behavior or unresolved issues. These issues can be carried over from a past life experience or from your present life.

When exploring the concept of karmic debt, we consider that our actions from all lifetimes, timelines, dimensions are interconnected. 

The higher purpose for karmic debt is to learn and expand by becoming more compassionate and loving beings with an ever-deepening experience of oneness.

It’s a universal law that ensures that we fully experience and learn from the impact of our actions.

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In the next section, we delve into the signs that you have karmic debt, and these will allow you to more fully comprehend what karmic debt is.

11 Signs You Have Karmic Debt

the signs of karmic debt

Sign #1: You struggle to stay present

One of the first signs that you have karmic debt can be that you find it challenging to be fully present in life. It may be a struggle to experience each moment with presence.

This may seem like a general sign, but the reason it can be linked to karmic debt is that the debt is keeping you tied to the past.

You are bound to the energy of this past experience until your debt is settled, the lesson is learned.

Sign #2: You feel an energetically or physically heavy

The energetic imprint of karmic debt can be stored within your etheric body which can affect your physical body.

Your particular karmic lesson may also have to do specifically with physical discomfort or struggle.

In these ways, the debt can feel like a weight to your spirit or physical body. This may be an unexplained feeling or you may be aware of the experience that is weighing you down. 

Sign #3: You experience recurring unwanted situations 

Until you have fully felt the impact and integrated the lesson from your karmic debt, you will experience uncomfortable situations.

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These situations are playing out so that you can learn through experience.

You may go through the lesson repeatedly until you have experienced the equivalent discomfort of the harmful action you inflicted in the past and accept and apply the lesson you need to learn.

It’s even possible that you will go through the situation until you seek and embrace forgiveness.

Sign #4: You experience situations that trigger similar painful emotions 

situations triggering painful emotions as a sign of karmic debt

This sign is similar to the one above, but it specifically has to do more with the emotional aspect of karmic debt.

Experiencing the emotions that are tied to your debt is a way of teaching you the impact of your wrongs.

Through painful emotions, we deepen our compassion and empathy, which will keep us from repeating the wrong.

Experiencing negative emotions is a way of repaying debts for the harm we have caused in our present life or unresolved karma from past lives.

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Sign #5: You are often forced to introspect

When you are carrying karmic debt, you will encounter situations and people that leave you with no other choice but to introspect.

You will be guided to take responsibility, to look within and accept how your past actions, thoughts, and words lead to your current experience.

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This will mean a deep introspection to the point where you understand that everything that is happening is for a reason, no matter how challenging it may be. 

Introspection allows us to acknowledge multidimensional and nonlinear perspectives that help us comprehend how even karmic debt that may be from many lifetimes ago is surfacing to be settled for the highest good.

Sign #6: It seems like life is not working in your favor

Karmic debt is a universal law that is ultimately helping us to expand our consciousness.

This does not mean it is an easy experience. On the contrary, it can sometimes feel as if life is still a constant struggle no matter how much you try.

This is often one of the early signs when you are still accepting your debt and lesson. 

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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