How To Cleanse Crystals With Sage? Step By Step Guide

Smudging crystals is a safe and effective approach to clear them of unwanted energy.

This ancient technique purifies objects and the environment that surround you.

When you clean your crystals with sage, how do you do it? 

Smudging, which involves blowing smoke from burning dried Sage leaves into and around the spiritual field around your crystal, is the most common way to cleanse crystals using Sage.

This smoke is used to rid objects such as crystals, locations, or individuals of negative energy, leaving them feeling cleansed, re-energized, and ready to take on the world. 

We have done the research and have come up with answers to all your smudging questions and techniques.

Read on to learn more about why you should use Sage to cleanse your crystals, when you should cleanse your crystals using Sage as well as how you can cleanse your crystals with Sage using different techniques and methods. 

Why Should You Cleanse Crystals With Sage?

A sense of energy and relaxation is produced by the Aromatherapy of sage, which sends messages to your brain to bring more oxygen to your body.

The smells and aromas of Sage smudge sticks, essential oil, and smoke will help you cleanse your crystals as well as helps you transform your negative energies into something more light and positive. 

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In terms of how this can help your crystal, it can heal the rapport you have with your crystal, which is one of the greatest ways to cleanse it.

One thing you need to consider when smudging is your intention.

Keeping a positive mindset is crucial to the process, so make sure your dreams and desires are clear.

The Different Types Of Sage You Can Cleanse Your Crystals With

Different types of Sage to cleanse your crystals with

There are many kinds of sages, and it’s difficult to track them all. Not getting too caught up in picking the appropriate type of Sage is crucial because they all have to purify properties.

White Sage is the most widely used sage for smudging, but we will review the other common sages used or questioned.

Let’s look at the different types of Sage you can use to cleanse your crystals. 

#1. White Sage, also known as Salvia Apiana

White Sage is by far the most popular form of sage used in smudging ceremonies.

These are the types of bundles that are most commonly found in spiritual or health food stores.

It addresses the most basic ritual cleansing requirements, such as negative energy transmutation, healing, and protection.

It has been gathered by Native Americans for ages and is revered as a sacred plant utilized in ceremonies, communicating with the spirit realm, and medicinal healing.

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#2. Garden Sage, also known as Salvia Officinalis

The edible Sage found in the common home and garden is known as Garden Sage.

Garden Sage may have a purifying impact if dried and wrapped properly, but it is best used when mixed with White Sage.

White Sage, and Garden Sage mixed, which has been dried and packaged specifically for smudging ceremonies, is one of the best choices for smudging.

#3. Lavender Sage, also known as Salvia Leucophylla

Lavender Sage is well-known for its sedative and soothing properties, making it ideal for anxiety relief. It also aids in the transformation of bad energy into loving, peaceful energy.

When burned, it emits a nice floral aroma.

Lavender Sage is frequently seen in smudging bundles with White Sage since the two energies work well together to remove negative energy from your crystal and convert it into love energy.

Ways In Which You Can Cleanse Crystals Using Sage

How to cleanse crystals with Sage

Now that we know which Sage types are used for cleansing crystals in smudge sticks let’s look at ways you can cleanse your crystals using Sage. 

Citrine and Kyanite are the two stones that do not absorb energy. Hence they do not need to be cleansed.

#1. Smudging Your Crystals Using Sage

As we mentioned before, smudging is a Native American technique in which smoke from dried plants is used in a ritual to cleanse, purify, and bring an object, location, or person back into equilibrium.

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It’s effective because it incorporates all four natural elements: water, earth, air, and fire.

If you follow this practice, you should place the sage wreath in an abalone shell, which represents freshwater, or you can use a nonporous, heat-proof bowl.

The earth element is represented by the sage that is being burned. 

The fire element is responsible for lighting the sage stick.

The air element is represented by the smoke caused by the sage herbs.

You can disperse the smoke around the object using a feather, which also represents the element of air.

What You’ll Need:

  • Matches or a lighter
  • Your choice of Sage bundle
  • A shell of abalone or a heat-resistant vessel
  • You can guide the smoke with your hand or with a feather
  • Sand is a material that can be used (optional)

Light the tip of the…

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