27 Things We Take For Granted (This Will Make You Appreciate Life)

Have you ever wondered how many things we take for granted every day? Life is full of amazing opportunities and gifts that the Universe has bestowed upon us, however, we forget to be thankful for them most of the time.

Have you ever wondered what you should be grateful for?

I’m sure there is a long list of amazing things in your life, that you forget to be thankful for every day. And it’s not just you, we all do that.

We get so caught up in comparing ourselves to others, that we start taking things for granted.

A Buddhist proverb says “Happiness comes from little things”, however, people often forget that.

If you have found yourself comparing yourself to others, being jealous, or even being unhappy with who you are or what you have, have a look at the following 27 things all people take for granted in life:

27 Things We Take For Granted

1. Being Alive

Being alive is the only way you can grow and develop spiritually. Life on Earth is meant to teach us valuable lessons.

As we are all immortal beings living a temporary human experience, we come to earth to learn, grow and become a higher form of energy.

Besides, being alive is amazing as each day is a new beginning which you can use to build the life of your dreams!

2. Being Healthy 

Even if you are not perfectly healthy, the fact that most parts of your body function properly is in itself a reason to be grateful for.

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There are people out there who live unconscious, their brains not being able to process anything, and completely depend upon others to feed them and shelter them.

Even if you have one illness to deal with, chances are you are still healthier than many people out there.

3. Friends 

If you live in modern society, you are so used to the idea of having friends, that you even forget you have to be grateful for them. But can you imagine how your life without your friends would be?

Not having someone to go out with, spend time with, or someone to share your problems with? The truth is not everyone has friends.

If you do, make sure to remind them every day how important they are for you!

4. Family

family not being taken for granted

We are so used to our family members being there for us that we forget how lucky we are to have them.

The harsh truth is that family will not be there forever. As time passes, some family members get old, others get sick, and life here on earth is meant to finish one day for all of us.

That means we only get a limited amount of time to be with the people that we love and care for.

Remember, the time you have with your family is limited, so make the most out of it. And if you have a family that loves you and supports you the best way they can, you are luckier than 50% of the planet’s population.

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5. Pets

Pets are perhaps the beings that love us the most.

Even though they are not human, I feel like my pets are family and friends at the same time.

They cannot wait for me to get home, they are so happy to see me, and are always there when things get tough, cuddling up in bed with me as if they know something is not right.

We often take pets for granted, but truth is that they make our lives so much better. They may not be able to speak to us, but they show their love in all the other ways possible.

6. Food

Food is essential to our survival, giving our bodies all the nutrients, it needs to function.

Starvation is among the top 10 causes of death globally, which means that millions of people die due to lack of food. The rest of us, kind of relish having a multitude of options to choose from in the supermarket and fridge full of delicious food.

Good food is a great reason to be grateful for!

7. A Roof On Top Of Your Head

A lot of people live on the streets, or in the wilderness, not having proper shelter. They suffer from cold or intense heat, endure rain and humidity, and never feel safe.

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Having a shelter is a privilege, and a true reason to be grateful for.

So, my advice is that every day you wake up, stop and give thanks for the fact that you have a roof on top of your head.

8. Clean Water

woman drinking water

A huge part of my daily routine is the hot shower I take every night before bed. It helps me relax, cleanses me physically and energetically, and helps me get ready to sleep.

However, in many parts of the world people don’t have access to clean water, nor do people without shelter.

Being able to wash your body every day is something so trivial to us, yet it’s a real luxury. So, next time you take a bath or a shower, make sure you truly enjoy it and that you relinquish the treat the universe offers you.

9. Freedom Of Speech

Past generations on earth have lived without much freedom of speech.

Nowadays, not only that we don’t get killed or tortured when we say uncomfortable social truths, but we can even write about the…


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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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