How To Create A Vision Board

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It’s that time of year! It’s time to start thinking about creating a vision board for 2022.

If you’ve never created one before, or if you just want to take your vision planning to the next level, then this post is for you.

Here are all of the things you need to know about how to create a vision board.

how to create a vision board - the ultimate guide!

Step One: Choose your medium.

There are SO. MANY. DIFFERENT. WAYS. to create a vision board.

You can pretty much do anything that feels good to you.

There are also plenty of ways to create a low cost or even free one! Some ideas are:

  • Posterboard
  • Pinboard or corkboard.
  • A piece of notebook paper or card stock.
  • Your 2022 planner.
  • A private youtube video.
  • A photo album on your phone.
  • A digital vision board template or app.
  • A secret Pinterest board.
  • A bowl full scraps of paper that you write your goals on.
  • Pic monkey or canva and design your board and save it to your desktop or phone wallpaper or print it out.
  • A whiteboard and write down your goals and ideas and switch them as they happen.
  • A notebook and write down lists of everything you want to manifest!

As you can see, the possibilities are really endless.

You can pick one, or a combo of them and keep all sorts of ideas of what you want to bring into your life in different areas.

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I’ve even just printed out things I’ve wanted to manifest and kept them in a pocket in my planner and gone back and realized so many of them happened that I needed to print out new ones!

The whole point of the vision board is to just keep track of what you want – it’s totally up to you how you do that. Do what feels best for you!

clipboard holding paper that says: the best time for new beginnings is now.

Step 2: Gather your supplies.

Obviously it depends on what medium you chose – if you’re creating a Pinterest board then you don’t need supplies at all!

But if you want a physical vision board, then definitely start gathering up the things you need.

When I’m creating a vision board, I like to gather up magazines and also find pictures on the internet, or Instagram, or Pinterest, or things I’ve taken a screenshot of on my phone.

I pull them all out and put them together in canva or pic monkey and print them out. I also get out my glue sticks and whatever else I need.

You can add stickers, sequins, trinkets, even crystals. Anything you can fuse with intention to help you achieve your goals.

Step 3: Brainstorm your goal ideas.

If you’re interested in learning how to create a vision board, you might already have some specific ideas of things you want to call into your life.

But if you haven’t really thought about it yet, now is the time to get those ideas out on paper. 

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I like to take out a piece of paper and write down anything that comes to mind. 

Whether it’s how I want to feel, how I want to look, how much money I want to make, trips I want to take, people I want to meet — anything that comes to mind, I jot it down on paper.

This gives me a direction to go in when I’m gathering my pictures and getting things ready.

Sometimes it helps to create a brainstorming Pinterest board to keep all of the ideas and refer back to them later.

If you’re doing this over a couple of weeks, you might go back and realize that you don’t really want something or what feels better to you now is something different.

The whole thing about vision boards is that you might change your mind over time and THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT.

Give your dreams a chance to evolve and go with the flow and trust yourself!

Step 4: Set your intentions

Step four for how to create a vision board: Find some power words that represent your goals.

This is very similar to deciding on your word of the year, or word of the month.

Find words or phrases or quotes that symbolize how you want to FEEL in 2021. Is it grounded? Powerful? Happy? Also – what do those words MEAN to you?

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As you’re going through Pinterest or the magazines you’ve gathered – find the words and phrases that most symbolize what you want to feel ONCE YOU’VE ACCOMPLISHED YOUR GOAL. 

Really set your intentions so that you can focus on the feeling as you look at your vision board or manifestation list. 

You can infuse this with even more power by feeling those feelings when you meditate or by setting your intention with a crystal and placing it near your goals.

Step 5: Setting specific goals

This is where it’s time to get specific (if it feels right to you! Some people are specific manifestors — meaning they call in the exact things they want.

Some people are non-specific, meaning they like the Universe to surprise them within a general idea of what they want). 

If you want a specific job, find a picture or even print out the job listing. Or find a picture of someone who represents what doing that job looks like to you.

What will you be wearing when you go to that job? What kinds of things will you be doing? Will…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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