How to Determine Gemstone Meanings: 3 Simple Tips | Cosmic Cuts©

INSIDE: You don’t have to read through every crystal write up and memorize what each stone does. Instead, you can learn a few simple indicators that will help you determine gemstone meanings on your own. Read on to discover how!

When most people start taking an interest in crystals and gemstones, it can be a little overwhelming.

Afterall, crystals and stones are found all over the world in different colors, shapes, and sizes. Not only that, but there are tons of crystals out there. They are known to heal, support, and improve the health and well-being of their users and the environment around them, but which ones do what?

Maybe you’re wondering how in the world you can determine which one is right for you. Or perhaps you just want to know how to understand gemstone meanings so that you can choose the right crystal at the right moment without having to look up what each one does.

Here are three simple tips to help you determine crystal and gemstone meanings:

Color & Its Impact On Gemstone Meanings

Color is one of the most important factors in determining gemstone meanings. Different colors have different light frequencies or energy vibrations that can stimulate healing in different ways.

Color therapy is an energy medicine modality that activates biochemical and hormonal processes in the body. Crystals are often used as color therapy tools, as are colored lights and colored cloths.

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There are so many different crystals and minerals, some of which are always the same color, and then there are families that have numerous different colors within them. Quartz is probably the most popular family of crystals, and they come in almost every color you can think of. Azurite, on the other hand, is always blue and green.

What Gives Each Crystal Its Color?

Crystals not only have the benefit of providing color therapy, but they also have additional healing properties as a result of what gives them their color, which is the different elements and the amounts of those elements that are contained in the crystal.

crystals and gemstone meanings

When one family of crystals come in many different colors, the color it possesses is often the result of other elements. An example of this is clear quartz, which is colorless, and amethyst, which is still composed of quartz but gets its purple color from iron. There are many different variations of quartz with each color coming from varying degrees of different elements.

Here is a breakdown of crystal colors and the meanings they provide:

Multicolor Stones – Offer the support and healing properties of the combined colors they possess.

Black Stones – Provide comfort, support, and healing in the areas of survival, stability, and protection. They support feet, bones, teeth, soft tissues, joints, and blood circulation.

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Brown Stones – Provide comfort, support, and healing in the areas of stability, protection, and centering. They support the immune system, eyes, stomach, and gallbladder.

Red Stones – Provide comfort, support, and healing in the areas of survival, sexuality, and taking action. They support the health of the spine, feet, and blood.

Orange Stones – Provide comfort, support, and healing in the areas of creativity, abundance, passion, and sexuality. They support the sexual organs, bladder, and lower intestines.

Yellow & Gold Stones – Provide comfort, support, and healing in the areas of happiness, success, empowerment, positivity, and mental clarity. They support the digestive tract, nervous system, and liver.

Green Stones – Provide comfort, support, and healing in the areas of love, personal growth, prosperity, and harmony. They support the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, gallbladder, eyes, and blood pressure.

Pink Stones – Provide comfort, support, and healing in the areas of love, nurturing, compassion, and life purpose. They support the heart, childbirth, and weight management.

Blue Stones – Provide comfort, support, and healing in the areas of communication, expression, authenticity, and loyalty. They support the adrenal glands, hormones, and good health in general.

Purple Stones – Provide comfort, support, and healing in the areas of intuition, spirituality, stress, and addictions. They support the pituitary gland, pineal gland, cell regeneration, and healthy blood.

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White Stones – Provide comfort, support, and healing in the areas of higher consciousness, balance, protection, cleansing, and light. They support the pituitary gland, pineal gland, upper body organs, blood, and the immune system.

Gemstone Meanings From Crystal Colors

Chakras, Color & Crystals

Our chakras are energy centers in our bodies that are constantly moving, vibrating and spinning in a circular motion. There are 7 main chakras in the body. Each one is represented by a different color, and each one helps manage certain systems and organs in the body.

When our chakras are spinning and shining vibrantly, we feel it positively in our health and state of mind. On the other hand, when a chakra becomes dull and sluggish as a result of an energy blockage, we feel that negative impact…

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