how to feng shui your car for protection & smooth travel!

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Did you know you could feng shui your car? You can! Your car is an important possession in your life because it enables you to get from place to place and can be a catalyst for changing your life!

If you want to your commutes to be as positive and safe as possible, using feng shui in your car can go a long way!

girl in hat leaning out of car window

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feng shui tips for your car: getting started

how to apply the feng shui bagua map to your car

The feng shui bagua map shows you which area of your car relate to the different areas of your life.

When applying the bagua map, Western feng shui aligns the bottom of the bagua map with the entrance of your car.

The bagua will also only apply to the interior of your car. 

This means the dash and windshield of your car will align with the left 1/3rd of the bagua (knowledge/helpful people, family/legacy, and wealth.) 

Click here to see a picture of the feng shui bagua map and learn how it works!

Once you’ve figured out how to apply the feng shui bagua map to your car, it’s time to implement some feng shui tips!

My favorite way to use feng shui in your car is to appeal to all 5 senses. This means being in your car will be the most pleasing experience possible!

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One: Sight

It’s time to clean out your car!

Take the time every few months (once a season is always a good idea!) to organize and deep clean your car. 

If your car tends to be a dumping ground for old gum wrappers, trash, dirt, crumbs, and general grime – it drags down your energy. 

Even if it doesn’t seem like it bothers you, on a subconscious level it does! 

Feng shui is all about fresh, clean energy. 

Dirt, grime, and clutter all contribute to stagnant energy and drag down the overall energy of your life. 

Don’t forget to clean the windows (inside and outside!) and mirrors too! 

In feng shui, windows and mirrors represent how we see the world and how we see ourselves – you want to be able to see clearly, especially in the car!

Two: Smell

Every time you get in the car, roll the windows down for a few seconds and let the stagnant air out. 

Also, consider how your car smells when you get in. 

If you don’t like the smell, or if it smells stale and yucky, you can place a cup of baking soda in a bowl on the floorboard for 24 hours to absorb the bad smell.

You can also sprinkle baking soda on the floor mats and vacuum it up to deodorize and refresh the smell. 

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Once you’ve done that, you add a few drops of essential oils sprinkled around your car to enhance the Chi! 

You can also add an air freshener or a piece of palo santo. 

Get creative and make sure whatever you use, you love! 

Don’t underestimate how much changing the scent in your car will change your driving experience!

If you tend to get anxious or frustrated in the car, using essential oils like lavender can really help calm you down and create a more relaxed environment.

girl with hat leaning out of car window

Three: Touch

Everything you touch in your car affects your experience. 

Consider adding seat covers or a steering wheel cover if yours are worn or if you don’t like the color. 

You don’t have to do much to create a whole different feel in your car.

Four:  Taste

Taste is one that most people never even consider, but what if you gave yourself a little treat every time you got in the car? 

Chew gum, have a mint, or even treat yourself to a little piece of candy. 

Create a happy experience when you get in the car and you can make even mundane chores be more fun! 

Set the tone for everyone in the car and share some with your passengers too!

Five:  Sound

Another thing you might not think about is: What are you listening to when you’re in the car? 

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Is it positive or negative?

Is it something you look forward to? 

Do you end up talking to people or listening to the news? 

Sound can really influence energy. 

When you’re using feng shui in your car, you want to really be mindful of all of the things that change your car’s energy. 

If you really don’t enjoy being in the car, change up what you’re listening to! 

Listen to upbeat music, a podcast about something you love, or call your favorite friend on speakerphone. 

If you purposely change what you’re doing in the car, your entire drive will change. 

Consciously choose things that you love so that your experience in the car is one of fun and happiness, and watch how it changes your life!

girl wearing boots with feet out of car window

Even more feng shui tips for your car:

Feng shui car color:

In western feng shui, the best way to pick a car color is to choose one that you love. 

The more you love a color, the more attractive your vibration will be (because you’re surrounded by something you love!)

If you don’t really care about color…

Click here to read this complete article.

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