is your garage holding you back?

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Let’s tackle one of the areas of your home that most people want to forget about in feng shui:  your garage!

Most people fall into one of two categories when it comes to the garage: You either want the garage to count in feng shui or you don’t. 

If you don’t want to worry about the feng shui garage energy, it’s usually because it’s an area of your home that you hate and don’t want to have to worry about. 

If you do want the garage to count in feng shui, it’s usually because it’s already pretty organized and not something you think about too often. 

But whether you want to think about your garage or not, when it comes to feng shui, your garage might be holding you back.

This is because if the garage is a sore spot for you, it can affect the energy of your entire home.

feng shui garage tips: is your garage holding you back?

So, does the garage count in feng shui?

Yes, the garage counts in feng shui. EVERYTHING in your home counts in feng shui! 

But feng shui and your garage have a special relationship. 

That’s because, for most people in western countries, the garage is the place where things go to hide.

It’s the place you store the things you don’t want to deal with. It’s the place where your belongings go to live indefinitely when you can’t get rid of them. 

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But the truth is, in feng shui nothing is hidden.  Everything counts.  Everything affects your energy.

One of the number one rules in western feng shui is that whatever is closest to you has the most effect on your energy. 

That means if your garage is attached to your home, the items in your garage will affect you more than a garage that’s not attached to your home. 

BUT, a detached garage will still affect the energy of your entire home and life, because the bagua also applies to your entire lot line. 

And in fact, the energy that enters your home has to pass through your yard, so if the garage is towards the front of your lot, the energy is going to have to flow past it to get to your house.

brown garage door with windows

How do you feng shui your garage? 

The same way you feng shui the inside of your home! 

The difference is that you might not want to place specific feng shui cures in your garage, especially if it’s not climate-controlled or insulated. 

But everything you do inside your home can be done in your garage.

Where does the garage fall in the feng shui bagua? 

This will tell you what area of your life is being affected by the garage.  (Click here to see a picture of the feng shui bagua map and how to apply it to your home.)

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The bagua map can also give you some clues about how to organize your garage for the best feng shui.

Some basic feng shui tips for your garage are:

One:  The clearer and cleaner the space, the better the energy flow = better feng shui. 

Feng shui is all about how the energy flows throughout your home, and the easier it is for the energy to move, the better the feng shui! 

For your garage, this means clearing the clutter, organizing what you store in there, and keeping it swept clean.

Think about how you feel about your garage. 

Do you hate it?  Do you love it? Is it organized? Is it the place where everything you don’t want to deal with goes to stay forever? 

How you feel about your garage is a clue to how the energy is in that space. 

If you hate your garage, and every time you think about it you feel frustrated and annoyed, then that is the energy that is affecting you, your home, and your life! 

You might even find that how you feel about the garage relates to the area of the bagua it’s in. 

If your garage is full of unwanted, dusty, grimy things you have stored there and it’s in your home’s wealth area — how are your finances and wealth? 

Do you have lots of unwanted bills or unexpected money problems popping up constantly?

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Do you have “hidden” money problems?

Does money flow in the way you’d like it to?

Does it feel like you’re constantly waiting on money to come? If so, it’s time to clear out the garage. 

ESPECIALLY if you’ve tried other feng shui cures for wealth and they didn’t work or problems continue to pop up.

messy garage

Two:  Do you have a lot of broken items, unfinished projects, or burnt-out light bulbs in your garage? 

Do you tend to store broken items there so you can “get to them later?”

Do you feel like the broken things are piling up and you don’t have the time or energy to fix them? 

All of those things represent broken and frustrated energy. 

It’s time to get honest with yourself and decide whether or not keeping those things or fixing those things are worth the energy and space they’re taking up. 

Either set aside time to deal with them or get rid of them and let someone else fix them! 

You’ll be surprised at how much mental energy they are taking up, not to mention physical space! …

Click here to read this complete article.

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