How to Let Go of Your Manifestation (9 Easy Ways to Detach Yourself!)

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If you’ve been working on your manifestation process for a while, you’ve probably heard one of the keys to manifesting is letting go.

But the process of how to let go of your manifestation can seem mystical – like there’s no real trick to letting go.

In fact, you might THINK you’re letting go of your manifestation.

But how do you know for sure that you’ve let go?

How do you really let go of your manifestation?! What does that even mean?!

how to let go of your manifestation (woman meditating in park)

What it Means to Let Go of Your Manifestation

Letting go of your manifestation means that you’re no longer “working” on it.

You’ve taken your hands off of it and you’re letting the Universe bring you what you want.

You trust that the Universe is working on your behalf.

You do not need to MAKE your manifestation happen.

For example, let’s say you want your special person to text you.

Letting go would mean that you go about your day and do things that make you happy.

You fill your day with joy and accomplishment, unrelated to your special person.

You trust and know that your special person will text you at the exact right moment.

That is letting go.

You trust that your manifestation is coming no matter what it looks like in the physical realm.

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NOT letting go would look like waiting all day for your person to text you.

Not letting go would mean you’re checking your phone every 10 minutes.

You’re checking TikTok or Instagram to see if your person is active.

And you might even drive yourself so crazy with waiting that YOU text your person instead of waiting for your person to text you.

That is the opposite of letting go.

That is trying to make your manifestation happen instead of trusting that it will happen!

Now that doesn’t mean that you don’t do your part.

If there is an inspired action that you feel you need to take, then DO IT!

woman sitting in meditation pose

Abraham Hicks says that you will often get little nudges from your Inner Being that tell you to do something.

Let’s say you’re meditating and once you’re done, you get the impulse to call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while.

That phone call might very well be an inspired action that moves you on the path to getting what you want!

It’s very important to follow those impulses even if they don’t make sense to you.

Inspired action can give you much faster results than trying to make your manifestation happen without input from the Universe or Inner Being.

How do you know if the action is from your inner being or if it’s from your physical self trying to make things happen?

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Usually, inspired action feels good.

It also doesn’t necessarily feel related to getting what you want.

It definitely doesn’t feel like you’re trying to make something happen.

And it definitely won’t make you feel sick to your stomach, waiting for the outcome to happen.

Signs that You Haven’t Let Go of Your Manifestation

Some common signs that you haven’t let go of your manifestation are:

  • You’re waiting or watching for it (like the text above.)
  • You’re constantly thinking about it (and not in a good way.)
  • You feel bad.
  • You feel like you’re doing something wrong.
  • You feel like you aren’t doing enough.
  • When you think about what you want, you feel like it’s never going to happen.
  • You’re constantly wondering if you should be doing something.
  • You feel desperate.
  • You feel like you aren’t good enough.
  • You have negative beliefs around your manifestation.
  • Your manifestation isn’t coming.

Have you ever been in this scenario?

You’re waiting on a package to be delivered. It was supposed to happen sometime today.

You’ve been waiting all day. Hours and hours have gone by.

You keep checking your porch and it’s not there. Or you keep checking the tracking number just to make sure the package wasn’t delivered to the wrong house.

See also  How To Let Go When Manifesting A Specific Person?

By 4 pm you’re just frustrated and just know it’s not coming.

So you decide to go and get coffee or go run the errands you put off all day.

And the moment you leave the house, the package shows up?

That’s because you finally let go of it coming!

You finally took your mind off of it and decided you weren’t going to wait around on it any longer.

You were going to go and live your life and do the things you needed to do. And BAM! That’s when it showed up.

The same exact thing happens with manifestation.

When you’re waiting around on your manifestation to come, you are NOT in the state of knowing that your manifestation is coming!

In fact, you’re in the opposite vibration – you’re in the vibration of NOT having what you want!

woman meditating with legs crossed and hands in lap

So how do you let go of your manifestation?

Distract yourself.

If you have the time to watch for your manifestation to happen, you have too much time on your hands!

Do something fun instead!

Watch your favorite tv show, go…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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