How To Love An Empath (11 Thoughtful Ways To Express It)

By definition, an empath is someone who feels emotions on a deeper level. This term comes from the word empathy, which is having the capacity to understand the feelings and thoughts of others.

When you love an empath, it can be the most beautiful and remarkable feeling in the world, but it also has its downsides.

They’re more sensual to emotions than an average person, which means their love for you is also intense.

This is why it’s essential to know exactly how to love an empath in a way that provides them with their needs, emotionally and mentally.

In this article, we’ll be discussing how you can adequately love an empath and make them feel loved.

Being In A Relationship With An Empath

loving an empath in a relationship

Of all people, empaths take love seriously. So it doesn’t come as a shock that they feel literally everything in their environment.

If you’re in a relationship with an empath, their sensitivity to emotion can be seen as a challenge most days rather than a strength.

It takes a really substantial person to love an empath the right way because if anything, their emotions and thoughts are full of depth and meaning.

They might get hurt every now and then by what you say, but only because you didn’t care to think about your words carefully.

An empath can probably feel the exact thing you do, so if you feel anxiety, anger, or even fear, they’ll feel this as if it were their own emotions.

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Despite all of this, a relationship with an empath is a beautiful experience as nobody will love you more intensely and deeply than an empath does.

They’re often misunderstood individuals, which is why the concept of intimacy and love can feel like uncharted territory for them.

Once they let you in, you’ll be on the receiving end of being loved by an empath, and it’ll feel more than incredible.

How To Love An Empath: 11 Ways To Support Your Empathetic Partner 

Loving an empath

1. Don’t try to change them

The first general rule of thumb on how to love an empath is not attempting to change them. They know precisely who they are, including their sensitivity to emotions.

The more you try to change them and attempt to harden their heart, you’ll make them lose the beauty of who they are.

Not to mention, it just makes them feel you don’t genuinely love them for their authentic selves.

The way to love them is by wholeheartedly accepting who they are to their core, without making any hard attempt to change them.

You knew they were an empath the moment you started to date them, so why bother changing them at all?

Love comes without controlling one another, and this includes accepting them unconditionally.

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2. Respect their alone time

Empaths get drained far too easily because of their sensitive nature. It’s because of this you need to respect their alone time as it’s their only window of opportunity to recharge.

It’s exhausting for them to feel the energy and feelings of their surroundings, and this is the only way they get to pause from all that.

So you need to give them a break when they can’t always go to that party with you or choose to stay in over going out.

It doesn’t mean they no longer love you or don’t want to spend time with you. It simply means they want to recharge their batteries so they can also be a better partner for you.

They can’t love you the right way if they’re drained, after all.

So if you want to love an empath, just give them their space and time to replenish their energy, and they’ll come back to you when they feel better.

3. Be a good listener

being a good listener to an empath

This is an important one on how to love an empath.

If you want to provide what they need and require from you, be a good listener. This doesn’t just mean listening to what they have to say, but really paying attention.

Remember even the minor details, and don’t be distracted.

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An empath will be disheartened when they’re telling you about their thoughts and emotions, and you’re not even paying the closest attention.

They know they see the world and process emotions differently than other people, but you need to be supportive.

They don’t open up to many people because of the way they are so if they feel you aren’t listening, it encourages them not to open up even more.

Despite their sensitive nature, they don’t just go around wearing their heart on their sleeve and revealing their emotions to anyone.

They only do this to people they trust, and you’re one of those people.

So listen attentively and mindfully to what they tell you.

4. Make them laugh

Empaths can easily dwell in their own thoughts and emotions that they need someone to balance both light and darkness in what they feel.

If you can make them laugh, you’re helping them to get out of their own heads.

You’re reminding them what being pulled back in the present feels like rather than…


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