What is Self Discipline? 7 Ways to Develop It

Do you know what sets highly successful people apart from the people who never achieve their goals in life?

Successful people are clear on what they want and take unstoppable action toward their dreams. They don’t let setbacks, distractions, or challenges derail their progress. When an obstacle appears on their path, they figure out a way to dissolve it, get around it, and never give up until they reach their intended destination.

And that, my friend, takes self-discipline.

Today I’m going to share my top tips on how to build self-discipline and cultivate the unstoppable persistence and resilience you need to achieve ambitious goals.

You’ll also discover some helpful examples of self-discipline practices and learn how self-control can be the difference between finding the courage to take bold action and preventing your fears from keeping you small.

What Is Self-Discipline?

Self-discipline is the ability to keep pushing yourself forward and taking action toward your desired outcomes. It’s the unbreakable determination to keep doing what you should be doing, no matter what obstacles, opportunities, or distractions appear on your journey.

It means knowing how to prioritize your time to get the results you want in life. It requires you to say no to the good in order to say yes to the GREAT and be able to delay your immediate pleasure or comfort in favor of long-term success.

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Self-discipline is different from self-motivation or willpower in which it’s not so much the fire that propels you forward but the relentless commitment to keep showing up and doing the work. Without self-discipline, your motivation and willpower will inevitably burn out.

So the answer to “What is self-discipline?” is this:

It’s the consistent practice of chopping wood to fuel the fire every single day, no matter how tired or busy you are, or what the weather is like.

The Importance of Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is important because if you want to achieve a big goal, you WILL run into obstacles that may not foresee yet.

You will have to learn new skills. You will have to put yourself in unfamiliar – and likely uncomfortable – situations. You will have to take risks, ask for help, and you WILL experience setbacks and failure.

And that’s okay! It’s all part of the learning process.

Knowing how to have self-control and continuing to show up even in the face of challenging situations is what is going to ensure you succeed in the long run.

Not only does developing self-discipline allow you to achieve your long-term goals, but it also pushes you to perform higher-quality work and get better results in everything you do. As a result, it helps you get ahead in your life and career so much faster and accelerates your ability to create your desired reality.

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Additionally, self-control gives you the tools to better manage stress and anxiety. It boosts your relationships and makes it easier for you to stay fit and healthy. And it will make you happier because even the experiences that bring you happiness requires self-discipline to achieve.

For example, eating a great meal requires the discipline to learn how to cook or earn the money you need to order it at a restaurant. Even a daily gratitude practice requires discipline to show up and keep pursuing it!

How to Develop Self-Discipline

If you’re ready to learn how to be more disciplined, the following steps will help you build your self-discipline muscle and cultivate self-control.

1. Identify Your Strengths & Weaknesses

To learn how to build self-discipline, your first step should be to get really clear on …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in jackcanfield.com. All the rights of content are owned by jackcanfield.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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