How Long Does a Spiritual Awakening Last? | Aglow Lifestyle

Going through a spiritual awakening can be exciting, but it can also be difficult to deal with the changes it brings.

For some people, it may seem that they have awakened to who they really are or their purpose in life. For others, they may feel that there is still more to discover about themselves and their life.

Questions about how long a spiritual awakening will last are likely on your mind.

The length of time that you experience a spiritual awakening for is very personal.

We are all different, and while some people will awaken to the truth in their lives for a short period before going back to their old ways, others will remain more centered and present after their awakening.

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How long does a spiritual awakening last?

How long a spiritual awakening lasts depends on the individual.

There is no set time frame for an awakening, and it can last anywhere from a few days to a lifetime.

While the exact duration of a spiritual awakening can vary from person to person, the most common length of time that people report experiencing an awakening is between one and three years.

Some people may find that their awakening is shorter-lived, while others may find that it lasts for a lifetime.

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Ultimately, there is no wrong or right answer when it comes to the duration of a spiritual awakening.

Each person’s experience is unique, and there is no single answer that applies to everyone.

What triggers the spiritual awakening process?

If you’ve experienced a spiritual awakening, then you’ve probably asked yourself “why did I have a spiritual awakening?”

The truth is, a spiritual awakening can be triggered by a number of different things – from something as simple as reading a book to something as life-changing as major trauma or loss.

There are a few common triggers that tend to lead to spiritual awakenings, which include:

  • Exposure to new ideas or perspectives.
  • A life-changing event or series of events – loss of a loved one, change in career, break down of a relationship.
  • A near-death experience.
  • A powerful meditation or psychedelic experience.

Sometimes it’s possible that there is no specific event or catalyst that triggers a spiritual awakening, but rather it is an innate desire for greater understanding and connection that leads someone to begin seeking out new spiritual experiences. 

7 spiritual awakening stages

The spiritual awakening process isn’t easy, but it can be very exciting.

There are 7 stages to the spiritual awakening process:

Stage 1 – Feeling lost

The 1st stage you’ll experience is feeling lost and feeling like you don’t know what to do with your life.

You may feel unfulfilled in your work, and you may feel disconnected from the people in your life.

This stage can be difficult because you don’t know what to do or where to go from here.

Even though some people will try to push you to get back to your old self, this is a necessary stage in the journey of awakening.

You may feel unsure of yourself and uncomfortable at times, but this stage is important because it means you’re moving beyond your old self and embracing a new truth about yourself and the world around you.

So, stick in there and allow yourself to feel uncomfortable because it won’t last forever.

Stage 2 – Perspective shift

After the feeling of being lost passes, you’ll experience a perspective shift.

This is when you begin to see beyond your own life and circumstances and see the bigger picture of life.

At this point, your mind is more open to hearing other people’s perspectives.

You’re able to let go of your old way of thinking, and you become more open-minded about other points of view.

You will begin to see the world differently.

At this stage, there is a feeling of being part of something bigger than yourself, but you’re not quite sure what it is.

You no longer feel that your life revolves around you but rather that greater forces are at work in your life.

Stage 3 – Seeking answers, meaning, and questioning everything

The 3rd stage of spiritual awakening is when you are in a constant state of seeking.

You are on the search for answers and truth.

Your mind is constantly questioning, and you are seeking to find the answers that will help you make sense of everything.

You begin to see things within the world that you’ve never noticed before, and this causes you to go into a state of curiosity.

You’ll begin to question everything, and this is an important part of the awakening process.

You may also begin to seek answers from other people, books, movies, or even other cultures.

The reason for this is because you are seeking to understand the world at a deeper level.

There is an urge to want to know the truth, and you are always digging for deeper meaning.

At this point, your mind is open to learning anything that will help…

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