Manifest So Quick You’ll Think You Have Supernatural Powers

So you want to be a manifesting master.  You want to know how to manifest so quick, you’ll think you have supernatural powers.

Well I have good news. This is the only article you need to read!

Are you ready to learn to manifest with superhero speed?

Let’s begin!

6 Steps to Lightning-Fast Manifestations

1. Meditate.

And that’s the end of this article. Go meditate. Thank you, and have a good day.

Seriously though, if your manifestations are coming in way too slow for comfort, then you definitely want to meditate more!

Does this mean you have to pack a bag and go to Tibet, because that’s the only way you can do it right?


Make a practice of meditating for 10 to 15 minutes daily. How?

  • Wear comfortable clothing.
  • Sit in a comfy position, in a quiet room where you’ll not be disturbed.
  • Shut your eyes.
  • Part your lips, slightly.
  • Take a deep breath in through your nose.
  • Exhale through your slightly parted lips. Note that the exhale will be longer than the inhale.
  • Keep your mind on the rhythm of your breath.
  • When your mind wanders – and it will – gently bring your attention to your breath.
  • Don’t beat yourself up. Over time, your mind will stay more and more focused for longer.
  • Keep bringing your attention back to your breath.
  • Don’t try to go for too long in the beginning. 10-15 minutes is just fine.
  • Keep your meditation time constant. Honor it.
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The more you meditate, the more you put yourself in a non-resistant state.

So it’s easier to manifest things, faster and faster!

I’ve had things happen immediately after meditation, sometimes even during!

When I feel there’s resistance slowing down my manifestation, I don’t panic. I simply meditate, and my manifestation resistance loosens and the speed it comes picks up again!

But don’t wait till things slow down. Make this a daily practice!

2. Check your beliefs.

You want to manifest the best relationship yet? Great!

So you’ve visualized, and practiced living as if your desire has already happened. Yet nothing’s happening! What gives, eh?

Well… Do you also believe that “Men are scum?”

Do you think “All women ever do is play with emotions?”

If you answered yes to those questions, if you think anything horrible about dating one gender or the other, then guess what? You’re not going to have the “best relationship” you want!

Your subconscious mind will do its best to protect you from having a man in your life, because, duh, they’re scum!

It will also keep the women at bay, because it doesn’t want you to go through the pain of having your emotions messed with!

So whatever you want, if you have beliefs that oppose their manifestation, drop them like hot potatoes.

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Actively seek out ways to convince yourself that there are good women and men out there (if that’s what you’re trying to manifest).

3. Use your emotions.

Fun fact: the only reason you want to be, or do, or have something, is because you think once you’ve got it, you’re going to be happy!

I don’t care what it is you want. It’s all comes down to the same thing: the pursuit of happiness.

How do we hack this?

Choose to feel how you’d feel if your manifestations happened now!

It’s that simple. Don’t wait for them to come about, before you’re happy. Be happy now!

If these things happening can make us happy, then you can reverse-engineer it so your happiness is what makes these things happen!

When you feel the emotions of happiness, satisfaction, relief, joy, positive expectation,  and other emotions of like frequency, guess what?

You create a vacuum that the Universe has to fill. So it fills it rapidly, with your desires!

Long story short, want to manifest faster? Skip to the emotions.

4. Take It for Granted.

Let’s say you ordered a mountain bike off of Amazon. You expect it to be delivered in a certain period of time.

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Do you keep checking to see if your order is still valid? Do you call Amazon and go, “So, hey, I placed an order for this bike, and I just want to be sure y’all saw it?”

Okay, say you’re that much of a control freak, and the Amazon rep says, “Sure, we’ve seen your order, we’ve processed it, and it’s on its way to you,” do you then hang up, call the shipping company and ask…

“Hey, so, Amazon just handed you my bike and I want to know if it’s in the air or on the sea and if you packaged it right and-”

Of course you don’t!

Here’s a tip: Take your desires for granted!

Don’t give them much thought.

When you do think of them, think of them with expectancy. With a sureness. You know for a fact it’s done. You know for a fact any day now your bike will show up at your front porch.

You’re not bothered. You don’t care how or when it happens, because you know either way, it’s…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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