How to Manifest Someone to Be Obsessed With You (Him or Her)

Imagine using the power of your thoughts to make that special someone love you to the point of obsession.

Imagine being able to make them think about you all day long, unable to focus on anything else but their desire to be with you.

Well, all of this can be possible using manifestation.

A lot of people think that manifestation is either a form of mind control or some kind of voodoo magic, but actually, it’s just the use of your thoughts to attract the things you want.

You can use manifestation to attract pretty much anything you can think of, from job offers and money to a new house.

In this article, you will learn how to manifest someone into being obsessed with you.

How to manifest someone to be obsessed with you

1. Be clear about who you want to obsess over you

Before you start with the manifestation, you have to be clear about the type of person you want to obsess over you.

Being clear allows the universe to deliver the right person to you.

Otherwise, the universe may send someone who isn’t the right match for you.

If you already have someone in mind, maybe they’re a friend or someone in your life, then that’s fine.

Write down a detailed description of this person, including their name, age, how they look, what they do for a living, and so forth.

Most people have a good feeling about the person they’re going to manifest, but if you don’t, then don’t worry.

Take some time to think about the qualities you want in this person to have:

  • Do you want someone romantic?
  • Is humor important to you?
  • What about physical traits?

You can also think about the physical characteristics, profession, and personality type of the person you want to obsess over you:

  • What color hair would you like them to have?
  • What interests would you like them to have?
  • What job do you want them to have?

All of these things are important to think about, so you can be clear about your intention.

The clearer you are, the more focused and intentioned your efforts will be to attract this person.

Clarity is king when it comes to manifesting someone to be obsessed with you.

2. Set your intentions

Now that you know what type of person you want to manifest into your life, it is time to set your intentions.

Your main intention should be knowing exactly why you want to manifest this person.

Your intentions should always be rooted in positivity because you don’t want to attract negativity into your life.

If you want this person to be obsessed with you for negative reasons such as jealousy, revenge, or manipulation, then you are in the wrong and shouldn’t manifest them.

However, if you want this person to be obsessed with you for positive reasons such as love, companionship, and friendship, then you are on the right track.

Take some time and write your intentions down.

Ask yourself questions such as:

  • Why do I want this person to be obsessed with me?
  • How would this person add to my life?
  • Am I looking for love or friendship?
  • How would this person benefit me and my life?

Write down your answers to these questions, so you know exactly why you are doing this.

3. Acknowledge your self-limiting beliefs

We all have feelings of doubt, especially when we are trying to manifest someone into our lives.

You may be asking yourself: “Why would this person want to be with me, I’m nothing special?”

Or you might be thinking: “I have so many flaws. I’m not good enough for this person.”

You’re not alone in these thoughts, but self-doubt only limits your chances of manifesting someone.

The best way to overcome your doubts is by using positive affirmations.

An affirmation is a positive statement that you repeat to yourself.

Affirmations work because they boost your self-confidence and allow you to change your mindset for the better.

Here are some good affirmations to use:

  • “I am worthy of attracting love and positivity into my life.”
  • “My flaws make me unique and encourage me to be a better person.”
  • “I am worthy of receiving love from others and giving love freely, without fear.”

Keep saying these affirmations until you believe them because that’s what they were created for.

4. Visualize it

Visualization is a powerful manifestation technique.

When you visualize your goal, you are using the power of your mind to create a mental image that will soon become a reality.

The best way to visualize is to close your eyes and picture the person you want to be obsessed with you.

See their face, their smile, and their body.

Imagine what it would be like to have them in your life.

How do you feel when you see yourself in this scenario?

What emotions do you feel knowing that they like you?

Allow these feelings and emotions to come up while you visualize this outcome.

Next, try to imagine them happy and content with you, doing things together.

See them thinking about you all day, wanting to talk with you, and not being able to…


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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
See also  How Long Does it Take to Manifest Something? | Aglow Lifestyle

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