How to Raise Your Vibration to Manifest Faster

In order to manifest we have to get into a higher vibration that is aligned with the desire we are trying to move towards.

Every time we engage in low vibrational activities, we’re lowering our vibration and inevitably hindering our chances of bringing our dreams and desires into our reality.

Understandably, we can’t be high vibe all the time, nor should we want to be – ups and downs are an inevitable part of life!

However, in general, we want to maintain a underlyingly positive vibration because it is in this state that we attract great things.

Once you learn how to raise your vibration, you can become more conscious of your habits on a daily basis and begin to live in alignment with what you’re trying to attract.

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What happens when you raise your vibration?

When we engage in thoughts, feelings or behaviors that are of a higher vibration, we naturally start to take on that vibration ourselves.

Doing so is “raising our vibration”.

What this means is that we are vibrating at a higher frequency, as opposed to the frequency we vibrate at when we are engaging in less positive thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

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Because the Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like” when it comes to energy, raising our vibration means that we begin to attract things that are also at a higher vibration.

This means that we begin to attract many of the same things that make us feel good or “high vibe”, and we’re at an ideal frequency for manifestation.

Benefits of raising your vibration

Before we get into how to raise your vibration, let’s look at some of the benefits of raising your vibration shall we?

These are some of the things you might start to notice once you begin working on raising your vibration…

  • You feel better within yourself and have a more joyful outlook on life
  • You are naturally drawn to experiences that bring you positivity and happiness
  • You stop attracting things that hinder your growth
  • You feel more energized
  • Other people notice your joy and enjoy being around you

You shouldn’t wait to feel high vibe to experience these benefits, though.

It all starts from within and there are ways that you can learn how to raise your vibration!

woman smiling with joy in front of heart wall

How to raise your vibration to manifest

These 15 high vibe practices can help you raise your vibration in order to manifest your biggest desires.

Try to incorporate more of these into your daily routine so that you create a habit of bringing yourself into a higher frequency each and every day. This will improve your likelihood of manifesting what you want!

1. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is quite possibly one of the most high frequency emotions that we can embody.

When we express gratitude for what we already have, we are putting out the energy that we are ready to welcome in more.

This is quite…

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