How to Make a Money Jar for Manifestation (EASY!)

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Creating a money jar for manifestation is a powerful way to set your intention to call in more money.

Whether you need a specific amount of money by a specific date or just want to manifest more wealth in general, creating a money jar can help!

It’s also a fun way to create a little alchemy and magic in your life!

small jar full of dried flowers

When it comes t money magic and manifesting, YOU are the most important ingredient!

It is important to always remember that you hold the power, not the objects you are using for manifestation.

YOU are the person who gives your intentions and manifestations power, and you can use objects like money jars, crystals, or good luck items to hold your intentions.

But ultimately you are the creator!

small jar of dried flowers

Money Jar Ingredients

You can add anything you want to your money jar as long as it has meaning for you.

Gather items like:

  • Coins or money
  • An abundance check from the Universe
  • Small abundance crystals
  • Herbs for money manifestation, like cinnamon, rosemary, basil, or lavender
  • Pictures that represent wealth to you, like something specific you would like to buy with the money you manifest
  • A few money affirmations
  • Any other small items that represent wealth to you or that symbolize what you want to call into your life
  • Essential oils, like lemon, lavender, eucalyptus, or lemongrass, or any other abundance blend
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Plus you will need:

  • A small jar
  • A piece of red ribbon or string
  • A small piece of paper and a red pen
jars of dried flowers next to candles and crystals

How to Make A Money Jar for Manifestation

Once you have your ingredients, it’s time to put them together!

1. Write your intention on the paper with red ink.

Red represents fire energy, which will activate your intention!

Think about what you want to manifest.

It’s best to be as specific as possible!

If you want to manifest more money, it’s best to think about a specific amount.

Otherwise, how will you know if the Universe has brought it to you?

Your intention can be something like:

Universe, please send me $5000 by May 31st.


Thank you, Universe, for sending me $150 to pay for _ (whatever you want to buy.)

Or if you don’t have a specific amount you’d like to manifest, you can say something like:

Thank you, Universe, that I always have more than enough money in my account every month!

As you write your intention, take a deep breath and feel the feelings of having what you want.

If you received a check in the mail right this second with the exact amount, how would that feel?

Feel those feelings while you put your ingredients in the jar.

2. Layer your ingredients.

Place your coins or money, crystals, and other items you gathered into the jar.

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Once you’ve done that, you can also add a few drops of essential oils inside your jar to activate and infuse it with abundance vibrations!

Once you’ve finished, place your money manifestation jar into one of the following areas:

The wealth area of your home
The wealth corner of your bedroom
The wealth corner of your desk or home office

(See this post to find your home’s feng shui wealth areas: how to use the feng shui bagua map!)

It is done! Your money jar is ready to work its magic!

3. Let the money manifest!

As often as possible over the next few days, feel the feelings of having what you want.

You can also set alarms on your phone to remind you to do this, or just make sure you do it in the morning when you wake up, and at night before you go to sleep.

Again, what would it feel like to have exactly what you want? Feel those feelings!

Once you’ve manifested the amount of money you wrote on your intention statement, don’t forget to switch it out with a new one!

You can empty your jar and start all over, or just replace the intention statement with a new desire.

jars of dried flowers next to candles and amethyst crystals

Is a money manifestation jar the same as a spell jar?

While it’s true that spell jars have a long history of being used for manifestation, you don’t have to believe in spells or witchcraft in order for a money manifestation jar to work.

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In fact, you don’t have to use a spell at all!

Think of your money manifestation jar as a way to harness and concentrate the power of your intentions.

If you WANT to use your money jar as a spell jar, of course, you can do that too!

After all, spell work is just a way to speak your dreams into existence and use the power of rituals to help them come true.

You can always come up with your own rituals, your own incantations, and your own intentions instead of using someone else’s.

As we discussed above, YOU hold the power no matter which method you use!

Only create a money jar if it seems fun and feels like something you should do.

There are a few powerful feng shui wealth cures that are similar to money jars, if you would like other ideas of how to manifest money!

You can create a feng shui wealth bowl, a feng shui wealth vase, or even…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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