How to Use Crystals to Ward Off Evil & the 7 Best Stones to Use

INSIDE: If you’re wondering the best ways to use crystals to ward off evil, look no further. In this article, we’re diving into the best tips and tricks so you can feel safe and protected.


Evil forces circulate around us everyday and everywhere, and it’s up to us as individuals to protect ourselves from these energies.

When we’re under attack by negative energies, we in turn, make the people around us more vulnerable. Misery loves company, and when we aren’t guarded from bad vibrations, we send negativity out into our environment, which ends up affecting the ones we love. 

There’s a lot of evil that we need to protect ourselves from, so let’s take a look at some of these powers that we can become victim to, and learn how to ward off evil energies, so that we never have to feel unsafe.  

How to Use Crystals to Ward Off Evil

Keeping negative forces at bay can be somewhat of a challenge. Depending on our lifestyle, some of us are more susceptible to attack than others.

There are many different kinds of evil entities that try to infiltrate us when we are most vulnerable. Sometimes it’s from the intent of others, and sometimes it’s because we let our guard down.

While there are several different types of spirits and bad energies that we need to be wary of, it’s comforting to know that there are just as many ways to ensure security, most of which we can do right from home or by using crystals to ward off evil.

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Sage and Palo Santo for Smudging

Evil Spirits

You don’t have to live in a haunted house or misuse a Ouiji board to become a victim to evil spirits. Negative energy and evil spirits is a concept that explains the nature of certain fields, like our individual energy fields, for example. 

All around us, there are negative vibes floating about. We are most vulnerable to these forces when we are unbalanced; either emotionally, physically, or spiritually. 

Evil spirits and negative energies can be as simple as changes to your vibrational frequency and the vibrations around you. Some symptoms of these evil influences are: restlessness, poor sleep quality, depression, out of control emotions, and anxiety. 

There are many ways to rid yourself of these energies. Try meditating with intent on removing the evil spirits. Cleaning and decluttering is another way to free your mind, or you can smudge your environment with special herbs like sage and palo santo

Using crystals to ward off evil can also be a great help. Most black stones and brown stones are great for grounding and protecting. Keep one of these stones near you at all times for a reminder that you are protected against intrusive thoughts.

Black Magic 

It’s not just a thing from Harry Potter. Black magic is the use of supernatural powers of magic for evil and selfish purposes. It is a type of real witchcraft that has been used for hundreds and hundreds of years. 

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Using this type of magic often requires something personal from the victim like hair, clothing or a photo. Victims are usually individuals with weak auras or low life force energy. The symptoms range from bad dreams, darkening complexion, headaches, and eccentric behavior. 

There are a few things you can do that will help you to be less endangered from black magic. Don’t consume alcohol as it makes us more impervious to negative energies. Smudging your home with sage or burning camphor every morning and evening will help your aura stay balanced and cleansed. 

You can also use crystals as well! Try a crystal bath with Black Tourmaline or wear a Rose Quartz stone near your heart chakra. Enhance the blessings you receive from your crystals with affirmations like, “I am all powerful against black magic.” 

Protection Crystals

Evil Eye

The Evil Eye is another superstitious curse and legend. It is cast by a malevolent scowl, usually given to someone when they are unaware. 

Symptoms of the Evil Eye are usually more physically painful than mentally or spiritually. Some common effects are headaches, joint pains, chest pain, and fatigue.

You might be cursed by the Evil Eye if you have uncontrollable out-of-body experiences, uncontrollable emotions, strange thoughts, or even suicidal thoughts.  

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Protecting yourself from the Evil Eye can be done by hanging a blue evil eye bead or dill herbs on the entrance of your home or property. Mirrors have the ability to reflect the Evil Eye back to where it came from. Placing mirrors near your doorway or even carrying a small mirror with you can deflect the evil energies. 

Another way to protect yourself is by using crystals to ward off evil. Combining Clear Quartz and smudging helps remove negative powers. Or, try meditating with Quartz on your crown chakra and use the affirmation, “I am protected against the Evil Eye.” 

Best Crystals to Ward Off Evil

Using crystals to ward off evil is an easy and affordable way to protect yourself. There are many crystals to choose from and that long list of crystals can be a little daunting. 

Many crystals lift curses and provide security to…

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