Grounding, Protection & Clearing, Oh My!

This article is based on Beyond the Reiki Gateway’s podcast “Grounding, Protection & Clearing, Oh My!” created by Reiki Masters Kathleen Johnson and Andrea Kennedy.

Kathleen Johnson:
Now, over the past year, I’m sure all of you are aware that we’ve had a lot of information about hygiene, of course. So now we’re all involved in doing our part to control the spread of COVID-19, we’re washing our hands, we’re wearing our masks, we’re practicing social distancing, at least I hope you all are.

So, good job with that. But we have to also remember that as energetic beings composed entirely of energy, we have to be mindful of our energetic hygiene, in addition to our physical hygiene. This is what we’ll be talking about today. I hope you can take away some tips and recommendations that you can use in your own life to keep your energy high and your aura secured and take care of your energy.

What is this energetic hygiene and why is so important?

Andrea Kennedy:
I love this topic today, Kathleen, because oh, you’re so right, hygiene has been really front and center for us in ways like never before. And there is this whole other side of hygiene and that is about our energy. And more and more people are believing now that we are energy beings and we talk about the aura and the bio field, the Chakras, all of these things, all about energy. And with our awareness now more in that realm of being energy and accepting that, what responsibility do we have? Perhaps to maintain our energy, to take care of our energy? Because now that we’re aware that we are energy beings, certainly there comes new responsibility with us knowing that.

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Kathleen Johnson:
Each of us is responsible for taking care of our energy. This is one of those topics that arises frequently for me with students and clients. They frequently want to know how best to maintain their energy, how best to protect their energy, how best to keep their vibration high, as we say. I always tell them that there are many ways to do that, but the main point is that we do it, because when we come into body our primary responsibility is to ourselves.

In today’s world, we are more often than not focused on everyone else but ourselves. And I use myself as an example. I tend to be very much the person who’s always going to help somebody or something and putting myself on the back burner. That is really the wrong approach. I know we’ve all heard the old saying, you can’t pour from an empty cup and it’s so true. It’s more important now than ever to take care of our energy hygiene, just as well as we take care of our physical hygiene. It’s even more so in these days, with the pandemic and the global unrest and all the things going on in the world now. It’s very difficult to be on planet Earth these days.

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Taking care of our energy is more important now than ever. I urge each one of you to really think about how you are taking care of your energy,…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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