13 Signs You’ve Met Your Karmic Soulmate

Have you ever wondered what is the difference between a karmic relationship, a soulmate, a twin flame, and a karmic soulmate? 

You may have found yourself at some point in a complicated relationship, which was very intense yet painful, and you were not quite sure what the lesson is or why everything is happening this way.

The truth is, that as planet Earth is meant to ascend, we are all meeting people with whom we are meant to have life-altering relationships such as karmic relationships, karmic soulmate relationships, twin flames, or pure soulmate relationships, to help us grow and evolve spiritually.

Out of all these types of life-altering relationships, the most difficult one to handle – at least in my opinion, is the karmic soulmate relationship. 

Thus, in this article, I am going to explain what a karmic soulmate relationship is, what purpose does it have in your life, how you recognize one, and how is it different from the other types of spiritually meaningful relationships you can have. 

What is a Karmic Soulmate?

Showing what is a Karmic Soulmate

A Karmic Soulmate is someone who first, is your soulmate – this means that you came on planet Earth from the same soul family and you are sharing pieces of the same soul, and second, someone whose purpose is to teach you spiritual lessons and help you pay your karma in this process.

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As you can see, the relationship between karmic soulmates is quite intense and deep, as they have a very meaningful purpose in each other’s life. 

To put it short, they have a pivotal role in each other’s growth and development.

Your Karmic Soulmate is part of your destiny – it was written in the stars that you were going to meet them before you were born. 

A Karmic Soulmate relationship is part of the Soul Contract you sign before coming into this incarnation. 

In a Karmic Soulmate relationship, you will feel intense love and affection towards the person and a very powerful connection – maybe even telepathy.

However, what makes this relationship so difficult is that it is very similar to a purely karmic relationship, which means that it will put you through a lot of emotional turmoil, to help you learn difficult lessons and pay heavy karma. 

Being put in difficult situations by someone who is your Soulmate, can be quite challenging because the love you feel for this person is very deep, thus, you will feel very conflicted.

If you think you could be in a Karmic Soulmate relationship, have a look at the following 13 signs of such a relationship: 

What Are The Signs You’ve Met Your Karmic Soulmate?

Karmic soulmates together

#1. Instant connection 

 The first sign of a Karmic Soulmate relationship is that when you first meet the person, you “click” instantly. 

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You are drawn to them from the very first second, and the feeling is mutual. 

You may even feel very intense emotions the first time you meet them as if you’ve loved them your entire life. 

This happens because you share the same soul and also because you’ve met in previous lifetimes.

#2. A deja-vu feeling

When you first meet your Karmic Soulmate, you will experience a deja-vu, which is the feeling that you already know the person. 

This can be quite powerful, as you may feel that you’ve known them forever. You may be finishing each other’s sentences or be reading each other’s minds, even if you barely just met. 

Around them, you could also experience a weird out-of-body feeling or the sensation that you are time-traveling. 

This happens because they make you remember the lifetimes in which you’ve met before, making you see images from those lifetimes, feel emotions from back then, or think thoughts that are stored in your subconscious from those previous lifetimes.

This feeling can be a bit intense and bizarre at the same time, but you shouldn’t worry about it, as it is very normal to experience this when you meet a Karmic Soulmate.

#3. Mutual affinity

When you meet your Karmic Soulmate, not only you will have an instant connection and a feeling of deja-vu, but you will like each other very much and discover that you have a lot in common. 

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Most likely, you will have the same hobbies and passions, as well as the same interests and similar life experiences. 

To put it short, you will be able to talk for hours and never get bored, because every conversation with them helps you discover and understand yourself more. 

You will be fascinated to see how much you can still learn from each other, and amazed to see that someone can have identical life experiences as yours. 

You will also feel very emotionally safe and understood in their presence. 

#4. You feel complete around them 

A sign of meeting a karmic soulmate

I am not saying that you are incomplete without another person, but when you meet a soulmate you experience a higher degree of feeling whole and complete. 

This is…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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