Reiki Attunements

Article by Reiki Master Judy Camblor

If anyone can be an energy healer, why do I need special attunements?

Hello readers,
This article is created to address and clarify your questions regarding Reiki attunements and why they are necessary to become a Reiki practitioner. If you are reading this, I am certain that you are more than a little curious about Reiki. You may even be interested in becoming a practitioner. So here is a breakdown of the different levels of attunement.

Reiki Level 1

In this course, we cover the basics of Reiki. I teach the nature of disease, basic chakra information, the hui yin technique, and how to conduct a session. This attunement is especially necessary and important in the Level 1 course because the Reiki Master/Teacher facilitates the opening of a “channel” through which life force energy enters and exits at the crown chakra of the practitioner. The channel acts as something akin to a straw where the life force energy can easily flow in and out of while a practitioner conducts healing on themselves or others. Yes! You can begin healing yourself and others with just a Level 1 attunement! After the attunement process is complete during the Reiki Level 1 course, I encourage my students to practice giving Reiki to each other. Afterward, they are welcome to share details about their experiences after giving and receiving Reiki.

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It is a necessary requirement that a newly attuned practitioner practice Reiki on themselves for a minimum of 21 days after their first attunement. After this 21-day period, a new practitioner can begin practicing the healing techniques they have learned on others. Start with family members and friends before moving on to heal other members of your community. When treating your friends and family members, first ask them to be open to the healing process. Once you’ve completed a session, ask them about their experience. A practitioner should always ask for feedback from whomever they treat with Reiki because it can help to further their understanding of exactly how Reiki healing works on each individual person. Feedback will help the practitioner understand the connection with the energies of the healing they have just done, and it also allows the practitioner to see the connection between the healing and their own intuitive process during the healing sessions.

Reiki Attunements

Reiki Level 2

This is where Reiki gets really interesting. By now you have been practicing a good amount of Reiki on yourself and others, and you have made the decision to progress to the next level. You are probably feeling like you don’t just want to progress, you need to! Congratulations! That is Reiki’s way of letting you know that it is time to continue on your path of evolution and growth.

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At this time, you are probably noticing a lot of changes occurring in your life… Some may be positive, while others not so much. Level 1 Reiki attunement energy brings many changes to our lives because practicing Reiki regularly…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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