17 Amazing Signs You’ve Met A Past Life Soulmate

A past life soulmate is exactly what the name implies – someone you’ve known in a past life!

We have many soulmates in life, so it’s most likely that you have many past life soulmates.

The first step to understanding this topic is to recognize that our souls are eternal, infinite, and limitless. 

So, we are multidimensional beings with powers and avenues of wisdom access which transcend the limitations of the human-mind, and physical world.

What Is A Past Life Soulmate? 

A past life soulmate is someone you are cosmically entwined with. You share many lifetimes together, and your soul remembers. 

The bond is sacred, timeless, and deep. It’s rooted in the connection you both have to the collective consciousness energy field.

The memory of your connection lives on in your DNA, which can be accessed through your Akashic Records. Also, through conscious dream work, transcendental meditation, and other holistic and spiritual avenues.

Fasting is an excellent way to awaken hidden memories. This is because water cleanses, purifies, and revitalizes, further aligning you with multidimensional wisdom.

Water is linked to the subconscious realm and mind, and mystic and ethereal waters. 

This means doing a water cleanse/detox could be an excellent way to activate both your Akashic Records and the memories hidden deep within.

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Now we’ve clarified what a past soulmate is, let’s take a deep look at the signs you may have met one.

Signs Of Past Life Soulmates 

The signs of past life soulmates 

1. Instant attraction or chemistry

Firstly, there is an instant and undeniable attraction.

You feel like you vibe together, the loving vibrations are good!

It doesn’t matter if it’s a romantic, sexual, or platonic attraction; you feel each other.

Although you will most likely feel a mixture of all three- sexual chemistry, romantic yearning, and a deep kindred spirit friendly love.

This is because past life soulmates are a very high frequency connection.

They represent the soul and psyche, so the holistic, healed, & balanced self.

Essentially, you will experience many enlightening and profound sensations. Time is what is needed to know exactly what your connection is… Sometimes, you will “just know.”

As for instant chemistry, you flow like yin and yang. It seems effortless, and your spirits complement each other. 

You may finish each other’s sentences, and instantly jam together like two musicians who have been playing as one their whole lives.

Or you could discover you share the same soul mission.

2. Deep feelings of knowing each other

You equally feel like you know them, on a deep and timeless level. There’s a spark of eternal love.

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You may have glimpses of your love shared together in a past life, literally, or experience profound sensations. 

These sensations can range from intense feelings of love and passion, to romance or a need to be intimate.

There is definitely a feeling of deja vu! 

Also, through eye contact and body language you feel bonded, and this is where your feelings of knowing each other already arise.

There is chemistry, connection, romantic and sexual yearnings, intensity, and inevitable attraction. Furthermore, the feelings are sincere and authentic. 

Depth, sensual majestic vibes, and intense emotions and feelings are the key signs to look out for.

3. Same Soul Mission? 

You undoubtedly share the same soul mission, a sense of destiny, fate, or purpose. You likely have very similar or identical paths!

This means coming together, joining forces, to combine talents and self-mastered qualities to raise the collective vibration of humanity. 

Or to heal others, help animals or the environment, or engage in charitable or humanitarian goals together. 

One of the core signs of past life soulmates is that unconditional love flows strongly from and between you both.

You have unconditional love for people, animals, and the planet as a whole, and for each other. 

Your evolved sense of empathy and compassion is clear. You’re more selfless than selfish, and you both genuinely care. 

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4. Shared passions and hobbies 

Past life soulmates with shared passions and hobbies

If you don’t have a shared soul mission, then you will certainly share the same hobbies and talents.

Passion flows freely, harmoniously, and in abundance between past life soulmates.

When asking what a past life soulmate is, you can surely find the answer by looking towards their passions and hobbies. 

Many past-life soulmates meet each other in specific hobby groups, social circles, or cultural activities.

Alternatively, they are introduced through a mutual friend or relative. 

The latter signifies an already present bond of loyalty and seeking higher things. 

Meeting your past life soulmate through a mutual friend or family friend instantly brings through the vibration of, or the…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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