Love Is Amorphous

I like the word “Amorphous”; a single word that encapsulates so much and embraces so many ideals, values and beliefs. If we look at the meaning of the word we see it describes amorphous as lacking definite form; having no specific shape; formless. The definition goes even further; of no particular kind or character; intermediate; having no set pattern or structure; random and unorganised.

A lovely rounded sort of word yet it causes so much distress to so many people who aren’t even aware of its existence, or more importantly its meaning. The problem we have with the amorphous concept is it goes against our need and desire for control and conformity, a place for everything and everything in its place. To do this we must to a lesser or greater degree sit in judgement on what a thing is and where it should be. All well and good when you want to keep your home tidy and well organised, but when we sit in judgement of others and the way they choose to live their lives, problems can arise.

Love is another word that leads us into all kinds of conflict and confusion, and once again our need to control and regulate leads different people, groups and belief systems to claim ownership of the word and use it in such a way as to support their own beliefs and values. Often the word becomes corrupted and polluted to such an extent it retains its name but none of its basic values, virtue or goodness. The concepts of care, compassion and forgiveness given freely as a birthright are removed and replaced by a man made dogma such blessings are reserved for those who adhere and conform to a rigid doctrine whose selection process filters out those unsuitable and unworthy to receive these blessings based on amongst other things colour, creed, race and sexuality.

Love Is Amorphous

To me one of the most amorphous creative forces of the universe is the power of love. It can break down barriers impervious to force and brutality, it resists without the need for conflict with those who would seek to use it as religious or divine justification for their own actions. It finds expression not in grand gestures but in the simplest acts of caring for one another and its ability to find a moment or a heart waiting to be healed by its presence.

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To me the greatest expression is found in a relationship where love compassion and forgiveness provide a solid foundation to build upon, to create a space for love in all of its many complex forms to expand ensuring all who are touched by its presence are able to develop and grow beyond manmade self imposed limitations of colour, creed race religion or sexuality.

Article by Phillip Hawkins

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Phillip Hawkins
Phillip Hawkins

A Reiki practitioner since 1999, Phillip started teaching Reiki in 2000 and using those skills and abilities he has spent the majority…

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