Manifest A New Place to Live In 7 Steps

In this article, you’re going to learn how to manifest a new place to live. I know it might seem like a daunting thing, but trust me when I say, it really isn’t. Trust me. I was homeless once. I know what it’s like to couch surf, to have to sleep in your car because you have no roof over your head.

I was able to manifest the home of my dreams, and I would love to help you do just that, too. Maybe you’re homeless. Maybe you’re about to be evicted. Maybe you just want to live somewhere nicer, safer, better. Doesn’t matter. It’s done. Read on.


There’s a quote by Abraham-Hicks that I absolutely love. It goes, “It’s as easy to create a castle as it is a button.”

We have a tendency to think that because some things are larger than others in physical size, or have a lot more components to them than other things, those things are harder to manifest than others.

Logically, it seems that way. It’s the difference between building a house made of Lego, and a house made of actual regular sized bricks. Of course, one’s going to take more time and effort than the other.

But we’re talking about deliberate creation using the law of attraction. We’re talking about working with the basic building block of the universe here: energy. And to energy, to the law of attraction, to us deliberate creators, size doesn’t matter.

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I had lived for a time with my sister and her husband. Things were really rough. He just hated my guts, and she was only housing me because there really was no one else who could. One day, I had a roof over my head. That night, I got summoned, and told to move out the very next day. I had seen something I shouldn’t have, and he was worried I’d rat him out to my sister. Anyway, none of that matters. Point is, I went from having a bed and a roof, to having nothing.

I had to rely on friends – and at the time I had barely any. The ones I did have would get antsy after having me for a bit. Soon I began to sleep in my car. I’d slide into a parking lot, get down in the back, and hope I’d not get caught. I didn’t have much in the way of cash at the time, so I couldn’t afford anything much, really.


I remembered everything I had learnt about the law of attraction. I remembered all the times when I’d intended something, and had it happen. I remembered I was the one running the show, and if I didn’t like what I was seeing, I would have to change me first.

So I got over myself. I stopped with the “woe is me” thing. I went back to one of the friends who housed me, and for some reason, they were glad to take me back and felt sorry about how they’d treated me.

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Good. Clearly, I had set something into motion, vibrationally.


“Huh? I thought you said you were homeless.” Yes, yes I was. Physically speaking. But each night, as I lay down to sleep, I shut my eyes, and as far as I was concerned, the bed I was on was my bed. In my house.

I felt really awesome, knowing I was in my own home. In my mind’s eye, I’d get out of bed, and look around my room. I saw my stuff lying around like I owned the place.


Proud of being a homeowner. No, I did not go around talking about already having my house. My friend most likely would not understand, best case. Worst case he’d think I’d finally lost it.

I puffed out my chest some. I felt good, knowing I already had my very own pad. As I stayed at my friend’s, the way I saw it, I was merely visiting. It was like college again. We had missed each other, so I decided to come hang out at his for a bit. In time, I’d pack up and head back to my own home.


One night, after falling asleep as usual, in my own bed, as far as I was concerned, I woke up suddenly. I had a hunch to call an old, old friend of mine from high school. I had not seen her in about ten years. She gave me her number, and I remembered it ever since. I’m great with numbers. What would the odds be, that she’d still have the same number? I didn’t know. But I set up a reminder on my phone to call her first thing in the morning.

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Come morning, I dialled from memory. It went through! She was pleasantly surprised to hear from me, and we had a great conversation. That was that. A few days later, she called me again. She asked if I still wrote screenplays, like I did back in high school. I told her I hadn’t i a while. She said it didn’t matter, she had a client who wanted to shoot something low budget, and was looking for a great writer to work with. She had recommended me!

Fast forward, and I’m getting paid an upfront fee that’s more than enough  to get my own place, in a great neighborhood, and have it furnished fully! Also, I got a few more gigs here and there from that…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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