7 Signs From the Universe That You’re on the RIGHT Path

The universe has a funny way of showing you that things are going well.

More often than not, we FREQUENTLY doubt ourselves and get the feeling that we’re not doing something right or what we are doing isn’t going to get us where we want to be.

Because of this mindset, we lose motivation and begin to fall victim to the world around us.

And as you know, the more you BELIEVE that you’re on the wrong path. The MORE you manifest that idea and mindset, the more reasons for you to continue this thought process will seem to appear.

But WHAT IF the path you’re on is indeed THE RIGHT ONE but you just don’t know it yet?

The Universe has a weird old way of showing us sometimes that what we’re doing is getting us where we want to be. 

Now you may be wondering, “what are THE ways the universe shows us we’re on the right path?”…

Well, I won’t keep you waiting, here they are…

7 Signs From the Universe That You’re on the Right Path

Sign #1: Things are getting tough.

Is life feeling like a constant uphill battle that seems to bring on challenge after challenge?

Do you see roadblock after roadblock with no signs of them stopping anytime soon?

When we are on the right path and moving towards our goals and desires. The Universe can begin throwing curve balls and situations that CHALLENGE us.

This helps us focus on developing the skills we need to succeed.

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The late nights and tedious jobs are only making you stronger and teaching you more.

If EVERYTHING was easy, you would never want to move anywhere in life and you’d constantly find yourself going nowhere.

Remember, sometimes it’s the darkest before the dawn.

Don’t give up.

Sign #2: You’re forgetting about the past.

The past. While nice to think about from time to time. It can be an anchoring us to our PAST experiences.

When you start to find yourself always looking FORWARD.

Thinking about the next two, three, and even four steps in your plan you will start to feel freer and closer to your dreams.

The Universe is listening to you and your call for help moving forward.

It is recognizing that you are moving towards your goals and cutting all ties to the anchors of the past that are holding you back.

Sign #3: Quality relationships are beginning to form.

sign on the right path

Everyone needs friends; humans are social animals. But not every person you meet is focused on helping you succeed in achieving YOUR goals.

And because of this reality, you will meet a lot of people who will hold you back and make your dreams seem further and further out of reach.

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A strong sign from the Universe that you’re on the right path is the appearance of many STRONG relationships.

These are the kinds of people who seem to be invested in you and your success and WANT to see you grow and become the best version of “you” possible.

When you begin to meet these people, you’re experiencing a clear-cut sign that you’re going in the right direction.

Sign #4: Things are starting to line up.

Similar to how you will begin to form strong relationships with people who seem to push you closer and closer to your goals, your overall situation will begin to improve and change for the better.

For example, if you really want to become an Executive at your work, you might notice that you’re working on a lot of projects with the current executives.

Or maybe you find out you’re getting a big promotion that you didn’t know was coming.

The Universe won’t give you everything at once. But it WILL feed it to you in small, bite-sized chunks that you can digest and get used to.

Ride the wave and get ready for things to keep lining up.

Sign #5: You feel right.

Humans have this sixth sense that lets us know when things are going right. Some call it your “gut feeling”, while others call it “intuition”.

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The truth is, that feeling IS the Universe reminding you from within that you’re on the right path and moving closer and closer to your dreams and goals.

When you feel this feeling, don’t let it go; keep moving in the direction you’re moving in and don’t stop until you find yourself on the top of the totem pole.

❤️ Recommended: 7 Warning Signs From the Universe That You’re on the WRONG Path

Sign #6: You feel at peace.

universe signs of being on the right life path

When we’re moving along a path that isn’t really right for us or is moving us further away from our dreams, we can often feel agitated and stuck.

We can’t sleep. We find ourselves playing the victim. And we constantly want to be somewhere else.

But. When you notice that this sinking feeling has been swapped with a feeling of peace, recognize that it is the Universe telling you that you’re on the RIGHT path.

Use this new-found sense of peace and security to fuel your work and BECOME the successful person you know you can be.

Don’t let…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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