Worried Of Manifesting Your Negative Thoughts? Know This

Are you bothered by your negative thoughts?  Are you worried that via the Law of Attraction, you are going to invite more negativity into your life?  More of what you don’t want? 

If that sounds like you, you are right to be concerned.  But the good news is that with a little effort and concentration, you can turn things around.    

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy,” said the Dalai Lama. 

He’s right, of course, but it’s easy to forget that when we are depressed, have no money, live in a dive, have a non-existent love life, and are stuck in a dead-end job with no light at the end of the tunnel. 

There’s no way out, right?  Wrong!

With positive thoughts, actions, and affirmations we can use the Law of Attraction to bring us greater abundance and happiness: more money, a new job or relationship, better health and so on. 

But the Law works both ways. By focussing too strongly on what we don’t want, and on everything that is wrong in our lives, we risk attracting more of the same.

The Universe may indeed respond to your negative thoughts by manifesting more negative things.

It’s important to understand that, and also that the Universe may be sending you a message that you need to change. 

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But it’s even more important to realize that you can use that same universal energy to your advantage and benefit.

Here’s how!

The Positive Side Of Worrying About Your Negative Thoughts

Strange as it might seem, being worried about your negative thoughts is actually a hugely positive thing.  It means that at least you are aware of what you are thinking. 

Many people lack that awareness. They are blissfully ignorant not only of their negative thoughts but also of the unwanted consequences and dangers of such thought patterns.

So give yourself a pat on the back.  At least you are aware of what you are thinking.  That gives you a head start.  And better still, you know that in order for things to change, you have to do something about those negative thoughts.

Changing your negative thought patterns to positive ones can be tough.

It’s really hard work to undo years of bad habits, negative thinking, and ingrained conditioning. But it can be done, and the potentially limitless rewards make it well worth the effort. 

What’s more, there are many simple yet effective tips and techniques that can help you on your journey.

So let’s start by explaining how the Law of Attraction works, and then look at some of the practical methods you can use to banish all those negative thoughts, fears, and worries.

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The Law Of Attraction Is A Two Way Street

The Law of Attraction states that what you give out, you receive back. 

If you radiate joy, positivity, and abundance, the Universe hears you and responds with more of the same. 

But the Law of Attraction is a two-way street. 

If you send out vibrations of negativity, misery, and poverty, the Universe will assume that that is what you want, and will respond in kind.

To some people, that might sound like a trite over-simplification. But if you’ve never really thought about the Law of Attraction and how it works, maybe it’s time you changed your tune. 

Park your skepticism for once and give it a try – the results might just astound you!

When we use the Law of Attraction – through positive thoughts, affirmations, a vision board, scripting, or meditation – we tap into the amazing power of the universal consciousness. 

It is this power that connects us to everyone and everything in the Universe.  However, we need to tread carefully, as this power can be a double-edged sword.

Do you remember when you fell in love for the first time? 

The whole world seemed rosy, people around us were infinitely positive, and good things and good luck seemed to follow us around. 

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The reason?  The Universe responded to your positive vibration!

And then when you lost your job, the Universe seemed to kick you when you were down.

A grim procession of money troubles, relationship issues, bad luck, depression, and miserable people were attracted to you like iron filings to a magnet. 

Is it possible that the Universe was responding to your own negative mood and vibration?

For those who understand the Law of Attraction, the answer to that question is a resounding YES! 

So what can you do if you are worried about manifesting your negative thoughts? 

The first step to a better world is to focus on what you do want, not on what you don’t want or don’t have.

Stop worrying about what might happen, and start concentrating on positive scenarios.

Why Worry Really Is The Most Useless Emotion

woman worried of manifesting her negative thoughts

Worrying is one of the most counterproductive emotions we possess.  Typically, it is completely unwarranted, because we worry about something that never…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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