How to Manifest What You Want Now

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Have you been trying and trying to manifest something and it just isn’t working? Have you been asking, feeling, visualizing, and everything else you’re supposed to do, but things still haven’t changed? Do you want to know the secret to how to manifest what you want now?

The secret to manifesting what you want now lies in the art of allowing yourself to have what you want. Why? Well, it all has to do with the law of detachment.

The law of detachment is equally important as the law of attraction, and the two laws work together. The law of detachment states that in order to manifest what you want now, you must be detached from your desire.

Detachment is about letting your desires go. It’s telling yourself, “Whatever is meant to be will be. If I’m meant to manifest what I want now, I’ll have it. If not, that’s okay. All is well.”

Now, the tricky thing with detachment is that it often sounds much easier than it is. After all, why would you ask for something if you’re okay with never getting it, if you’re okay with things remaining exactly as they are?

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Well, let me begin by saying that detachment is not about giving up. You are not giving up on your dreams. Instead, you are acknowledging that everything is okay and it will continue to be so because the Universe has your best interests at heart.

Detachment is about remembering that there are only two things that you have to do to manifest what you want: 1) ask and 2) receive.

Sometimes there are factors involved in your manifestation that you aren’t even aware of when you ask for what you want. These factors can prevent you from instantly manifesting what you want.

For example, if you are manifesting your dream vacation, I am sure you also want nice weather, great accommodations, kind and helpful people everywhere you go, and so forth. These extra elements also have to be created. And even though you may want your dream vacation to manifest right now, however long it takes for everything to come together is the exact amount of time needed to manifest your desire.

Also, remember that every time you begin to have doubts about whether your dream is manifesting, or feel nervous, anxious, or impatient, you are blocking the flow of energy needed to create what you desire. It’s as if you are cancelling your order for the very thing you want. These negative emotions are actually a strong sign that you are not detached from your desire.

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Now, of course you want to manifest what you want now…

…but you cannot look at your life and focus on how you still do not have what you want, because in doing so you are merely creating more lack.

Instead, you need to look towards what you desire.

You need to have faith that all will be well and that you will receive what you desire at the appropriate time. The sooner you can come to terms with that, the sooner you will have what you desire.

The more positive, excited, happy, and expectant you feel about something, the more you are detached…the more you are allowing what you want to manifest.

Your goal is not to stop thinking about what you want, but to feel good whenever you think about it.

Simply let go of all doubts. Allow it to be…and watch the miracles happen as you manifest what you want now!

If you want more information on how to manifest what you want now, you might also like:

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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