Planting Seeds for a Successful Reiki Business

There is a rumor floating around that if you are a Reiki healer, you do not need to do anything but perform self-healing, and then all is well.

We all know that we should give ourselves Reiki every day to maintain a blockage-free and healthy body on all levels. It is drilled into us from the beginning of our practice and everywhere we turn in this healing world.

However, there are times when we need a little more help than Reiki. Take for instance the moment you decide to walk in this energy healing world where there is always a saying of “love and light,” but people forget to tell you about the business side which is not necessarily “love and light.”

If you want to have a successful business, sometimes, you must release the “love and light” for the “reality and truth.” Below are some recommendations to help you on your journey to plant good seeds for a successful Reiki business.

Please note that the resources listed are mostly specific to those persons living in the United States, but please go online and find the equivalent resource for your country.

1. Brand your business for success

The reality is that you need to think of your services as not only a divine gift but a prized commodity that has a monetary value. As such, you should not only have a professionally designed logo and website, but you should also consider trademarking your name and logo at There is a definite genuineness felt by persons who go to a website and see a business with an original name and trademarked logo. It is a subtle way to tell your future clients that you are a professional and ready to handle business. It also tells the Universe that you are ready to take the next steps as a successful business owner. You also want to have specific documents for your business, such as business cards (electronic or paper), new client forms, a photo/video release of liability, etc. These forms can easily be found online and revised as needed.

Planting Seeds for a Successful Reiki Business

2. Be prepared with personal liability insurance

Another consideration is liability insurance. This is a must in my opinion. If you do not know what this is, liability insurance protects a person from a legal claim resulting from injury or damage of some kind. There are a lot of people I know who are working in this field without being insured. Again, I do not recommend this. Because this is a helping field, most people feel as if they do not have to worry about being sued. But what if you fall or injure yourself while setting up your table? What if your client falls on your premises or while getting on or off your table? Even worse, what if you have a client who falsely claims you touched an intimate part of their body while in session which resulted in emotional and mental injury? These situations are not out of the realm of possibilities and may occur at any time in your long career. It is best to be prepared with personal liability insurance. I am personally…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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