The Best Crystals For Manifesting Love And Romance

The idea that a person can manifest their wants and desires isn’t a new one, in fact, the origins of the practice can be traced to the 9th Century BC.

We all manifest each and every day, sometimes without realizing it.

Every thought, want, and desire is a little message to ourselves and to the wider universe that directs and dictates our decisions and life choices. 

Many spiritual individuals choose to consciously manifest the things they desire or need in their lives, from love and romance, to confidence, happiness, and even new job opportunities, because making your intentions known to yourself and the universe can illuminate the path to success. 

Crystals are one of the most common tools used to channel manifestations and each crystal is imbued with a variety of meanings which can herald love, truth, calm, enlightenment, and so on.

These crystals work as an amplifier for your intentions, helping you to focus on the steps you need to take to manifest your dreams into reality. 

In this article we’ll be exploring the best crystals to use to successfully manifest love and romance. 

Understanding How to Manifest

While we can all manifest without realizing it, if you’re looking to actively manifest change in your love life the first thing you need to know is how to manifest your desires.

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The act of manifestation can be broken down into four easy steps:

1. Desire: Work out what it is you want, pinpoint the exact nature of your desires.

2. Believe: Trust the process. Believe in what you are manifesting and work to eliminate the negativity that is holding you back from your dreams. 

3. Connect: Work on connecting your energy and emotions with the energy in the world around you. This is where channeling your intentions into an item such as a crystal can help you.

4. Expect: Center your expectations. Remove self-sabotage from your dictionary and focus on the positive changes that you deserve. 

Why Crystals Make Great Manifestation Tools

Hands holding a crystal to help manifest love and romance

Wants and desires are concepts that lack a concrete or physical form.

This means they can float around in your mind and can become difficult to capture and capitalize upon.

An item, such as a crystal, provides a physical object for you to channel your intentions upon.

This makes it far easier to focus your dreams and desires and can make the path ahead more clear.

Crystals are a great choice for this because their crystalline structure naturally absorbs, holds, and radiates energy.

This means that when you project your manifestations onto a crystal it will absorb those intentions and store them within a physical form.

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Better yet, many crystals will radiate the energy that you project upon them which amplifies your intentions and increases the chance of making your manifestation become reality. 

17 Crystals For Manifesting Love And Romance

Just as love and romance come in so many different forms, for example, platonic love vs. romantic love, passionate romance vs. life-long love, and so on.

So do the crystals used to manifest love and romance. 

Some people may feel happiest choosing one crystal which they feel suits their needs and will carry it close to them such as in their pocket or on a pendant.

Others may want to pick a selection of the crystals on this list and scatter them about their home, bedroom, or create a crystal grid that they can use within manifestation practices. 

As with everything in the spiritual world it’s about listening to your heart and trusting your instincts.

This list features both common and obscure crystals.

Each entry also mentions the chakras each crystal works with, as this can provide some valuable insight into why they are so beneficial for manifesting love and romance.

So without further ado, the 17 crystals for manifesting love and romance.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz crystal

Rose quartz is probably the first crystal many of us think of when working with matters of the heart.

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This stone is connected to the heart chakra and is widely viewed as the stone of unconditional love.

Rose quartz teaches us to take the good with the bad, and to open our hearts and minds to the knowledge that true love is rarely perfect.

We all reap what we sow and in love, we need to be ready to accept and learn before growth can be achieved.

A piece of rose quartz placed in the heart of your home will open the door to love and kindness allowing it to flow freely and potentially draw in loving relationships of all kinds.

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz

Clear quartz is known as a universal stone that due to its clear color can be used for many different applications.

It is connected to the crown chakra and because of this encourages us to look more deeply into our own lives and find areas in which we need to grow or change.

In regards to finding love and romance, this insight can…

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