How to Create Your Own Unique New Moon Ritual

The new moon is a time of new beginnings, and is the absolutely perfect time to set new intentions that you want to manifest in the cycle ahead.

By creating your own unique new moon ritual for manifestation, you can take full advantage of the energy of the new moon and connect on a deeper level in order to manifest.

If I had to pick one time to carry out a moon ritual, the new moon would be it.

In my opinion, it is the most important time when it comes to working with the law of attraction and self-improvement practices.

So use the tips in this post to create a new moon ritual that works for you, because the results you’ll get are second to none!

new moon ritual for manifestation

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When to perform new moon rituals

A question I often receive is when the best time is to perform new moon rituals, and there isn’t necessarily a perfect answer to this question.

However, what I will say is the best time to perform a new moon ritual is a time that works for you that is as close to the time of the new moon as possible.

(You can find the exact time of the new moon for your location via websites such as this one)


All of us work in different ways and so some of us may feel more connected energetically in the morning, while others may feel more connected in the evenings/at night time.

It’s best then to do our rituals at a time that works best for you, regardless of whether this is the “norm” or not.

Plus, when it comes to new moon rituals, it isn’t as desirable to carry out your ritual at night as it is with a full moon ritual, for example.

That’s because we don’t need to make use of the moon’s light when there isn’t any!

I therefore find that you can be a little bit more flexible with the timing of a new moon ritual than you can with a full moon ritual.

phases of the moon
2022 lunar phases calendar

As a rule of thumb, the ideal time to carry out your new moon ritual is 12 hours either side of the new moon.

So for example, if the new moon occurred at 1am on Monday 2nd, you’d aim to practice your ritual at any point between 1pm on Sunday 1st and 1pm on Monday 2nd.

This is when the energy of the new moon phase is strongest, but you can still feel some of the effects a couple of days before and after.

So if you can’t fit your ritual within the 24hr window, don’t stress!

Extend the window to 24hr either side of the new moon if you need to, because it’s better to carry out your ritual at a time when you’re energetically ready than it is to force your ritual in for the sake of it!

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