Reiki for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders – OCD (Part-2)

Greetings to all beautiful souls here who are working to raise the vibrations of this planet by being the channels of love and light. This article is in continuation of its previous part, where we discussed the main chakra that is blocked and needs healing in the case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (OCD).

The third eye chakra or the brow chakra is the major chakra affected and thus needs a lot of Reiki to heal.

Here we discuss some other chakras and points that show major blockages and need strong healing to overcome Obsessive-compulsive disorders.

1. Throat chakra

As mentioned in the previous article, the person struggling with OCD is always fighting a battle within himself. When they are among people, they find it hard to express what is going through their minds as there is a chance of being misunderstood or ridiculed. Thus, most shut themselves and don’t try to make others understand their situation. This results in an imbalanced throat chakra, and gradually this block gets worse.

2. Heart chakra

Lack of love for self and inability to express love to near and dear ones by small gestures like cuddling, hugging, etc., affects a lot. Even if they want to hug their friends or show their love and care to children, spouses, or parents, the fear often overcomes the feelings. This affects the heart chakra, and slowly loneliness becomes their best pal. Giving Reiki on the heart chakra, especially from the backside, helps a lot.

Reiki for Obstructive Compulsive Disorders – OCD (Part-2)

3. Hara (Sacral) chakra

Hara or sacral chakra is the storehouse of our emotions. This makes this chakra very prominent in all kinds of issues related to emotional healing. For example, Reiki symbols Harmony and Zonar are very effective in healing stress and anxiety when drawn on the Hara chakra.

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4. Kidneys

As their function explained, Kidneys filter out toxic substances and help them get released from the body. Similarly, they help release fear-based emotional toxins from the energy body. This makes them an important part of healing, and Reiki flows to release thoughts and feelings that do not serve the patient’s highest good.

5. Knees

Knees also are important when we need to heal fear-based problems. As the ‘weak knees’ refer to more fear, similarly strong knees shall indicate a person who overcomes the fear. Thus, healing the knee points helps a person suffering from OCD to overcome their fear and embrace love instead.

As we continue giving Reiki to these areas, the rigid blocks situated deep inside the energy body start to loosen up, surface, and eventually dissolve. This dissolution of these blocks results in their complete release from the body for the highest good. The space initially occupied by these blocks is filled with love and light. The initial emotions of fear, anxiety, anger and stress are replaced by feelings of love, calmness, confidence, and peace. As a result, the life of the patient and their family becomes more beautiful and relaxed.


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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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