Feng Shui Desk Tips: Simple Ways to Attract More Wealth and Abundance

INSIDE: Did you know the placement of your desk and the way you decorate it can make a huge difference in your level of success and happiness at work? With these feng shui desk tips, you can do just that!


An office is an incredibly important space. We not only spend a decent amount of time here, but we also create and attract wealth and abundance there.

Interesting research published by Sage Journals has shown that something as simple as the color of office walls can impact how effective or stressed we feel in a work environment.   

The way we decorate the office and position our desk has the same effect. In Feng shui, every small adjustment can either make us feel better and more productive or stressed and unmotivated.

Today, we are discussing the feng shui desk, and how to make the best of it and create good chi. Let’s get into it…

Why Feng Shui Your Desk?

The desk is the key component in an office and it is directly connected to our luck in finance and career. When you feng shui your desk by finding the best orientation, colors, and decor for the desk, you’ll be able to attract positive energy that will support your aspirations and goals.

Well-used feng shui elements will raise the vibration of your work environment, helping you create a space that feeds focus, discipline, and determination. 

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Conversely, when the elements are not balanced or in alignment with the purpose of the office, we can find ourselves constantly drained from work, unable to attract success or a desired income.

A feng shui desk can help bring old projects to fruition and encourage new approaches and ideas.

Good chi allows for an easy energy flow and will work to attract business partners, clients, and opportunities that are beneficial for us and our career advancement.

Moreso, following feng shui tips for desk placement and decor, will make us enjoy the workspace much more, as this is where we spend a considerable amount of time.

Instead of associating it with stress, irritability, and tiredness, our desk will become a place where we attract success and become inspired.

Being mindful about feng shui desk decoration will prevent good energy from leaving the space and bad energy from staying around for too long. 


5 Key Feng Shui Rules For Your Desk

When it comes to feng shui, there is much to know, but we’ve narrowed it down to the five most important aspects for a feng shui desk…

Choose the Right Desk

To feng shui your desk for career success, it is always a good idea to start from the five elements. When choosing the desk, there are three major things to consider:

  1. The shape
  2. The size of the desk
  3. What materials it is made of
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Now, let’s look at each of these considerations in more detail…

Desk Shape

Always opt for desks with rounded edges since sharp edges bring in the energy of competition and add an element of tension. 

A desk with rounded edges will help us be more open-minded and allow for an easy flow of energy, assisting us in letting go of stress in an efficient way.

Desk Size

Regarding size, the best option is the one that fits you just perfectly; it isn’t too large, too small, too tall, or too low.

Make sure you opt for models that don’t have any elements that make you feel restricted and unable to move freely, such as massive decorative borders or drawers. These will make you feel stifled and contribute to discomfort and nervousness, creating bad chi in the workspace. 

feng shui your desk 2

Desk Materials

The third thing to consider is what the desk is made of. Since this is the most important piece of furniture in the office, don’t shy away from investing in a good one if it’s feasible for you.

Choose sturdy desks that are made of quality materials and stand firmly on the floor. This will help ground the energy and give you a solid foundation for working toward your goals.

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A good quality desk will attract good quality deals and opportunities, as opposed to a cheap, shaky desk that’s not only distracting but isn’t as powerful of a wealth-attractor.

The most common materials for office desks are wood, metal, PVC, and glass. While all have their pros and cons, the best choice is a wood desk. Wood is a feng shui element that supports growth and attracts wealth and abundance our way, naturally resonating with our career and goals.

Wood supports our vision for the future and helps us take concrete steps towards success. It also creates space for flexibility compared to the Metal element, which can bring in more rigidity and conservatism.

Desks with metal elements, however, are great for bringing greater clarity of mind and encouraging a free flow of communication.

Glass desks, since they represent the Water element, are good for creating more transparency, empathy, and understanding between clients and coworkers.

However, if the Water element is already present in the room, choosing a glass desk can dilute our focus and make our emotions cloud our business decisions. PVC desks represent stagnation and dullness, and…

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