What is Spiritual Ascension? 5 Stages You May Experience | Aglow Lifestyle

We all have moments in our lives when we feel like we’re on an upward trajectory.

We suddenly become more aware of the world around us and what’s happening spiritually.

Our intuition seems to be on high alert, and we are more open to new insights and perspectives than ever before.

We may even begin to experience energetic or physical symptoms as our bodies adjust to the new vibration.

This is spiritual ascension in action!

If you’re feeling called to deepen your ascension journey, here are 5 stages you may experience.

So, what is spiritual ascension?

Just as our physical bodies evolve and change over time, so does our spiritual body.

Spiritual ascension is the process of our consciousness-raising to a higher level.

This can be a gradual process that happens over many lifetimes, or it can happen more rapidly through intense inner work and attunement with spirit.

As we ascend, we begin to remember who we truly are and why we are here.

We tap into our inherent wisdom and power, and we start to live more from our authentic selves.

The journey of spiritual ascension is one of self-discovery and growth, ultimately leading us back to our source.

Along the way, we experience both challenges and enlightened moments, which help us become the best version of ourselves.

Wait, isn’t spiritual ascension the same as spiritual awakening?

There’s definitely a lot of overlap between the two concepts, but they’re not exactly the same thing. 

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Spiritual ascension is a process that leads to spiritual awakening.

It’s the journey of raising your vibration so that you can eventually merge with the divine.

It’s a process of becoming more and more refined until you eventually become one with the source.

On the other hand, spiritual awakening is the moment when you “wake up” to your true nature.

You become aware of who you really are and why you’re here.

You see through the illusion of separation and realize that we’re all connected.

You may also have experiences of oneness or ecstasy as you connect with the divine.

Spiritual awakening is more like an endpoint, while spiritual ascension is the journey that gets us there.

5 stages of spiritual ascension

There are many different paths to spiritual ascension, but they all typically involve progressing through five distinct stages. 

1. Awakening

The first stage of spiritual ascension is awakening.

This is when you begin to become aware of the things that are holding you back from achieving your full potential.

You may realize that you have been living a life that is not in alignment with your true purpose.

You may start to question your beliefs and values and begin to feel a need for change.

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This is often a time of great upheaval, but it is also a time of great opportunity.

For some, this awareness comes suddenly, while for others, it happens gradually over time.

However it occurs, awakening marks the beginning of a journey toward spiritual enlightenment.

2. Seeking

Once you have awakened to the need for change, you will likely begin seeking out answers.

This is when you begin to question your spiritual beliefs and start looking for answers.

You may read books, attend workshops, or go on retreats. You may also start to meditate or practice yoga.

The key during this stage is to be open-minded and receptive to new ideas.

It is also essential to trust your intuition and follow your heart.

The seeking stage can be challenging, but it is also an exciting time of growth and discovery.

Remember that there is no wrong way to seek spiritual truth.

The most important thing is to be authentic and stay true to yourself.

3. Integration

Now that you’ve got one foot in the spiritual world and one foot in the material world, it’s time to integrate the two.

This is where the integration stage begins, and you’ll start to see how your spiritual practice can be integrated into your everyday life. 

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You’ll also start to experience some of the benefits of your spiritual practice, like increased compassion and connection to others.

But it’s also where you might start to feel a little bit out of place.

After all, not everyone is on the same spiritual journey as you are.

That’s OK!

Just keep moving forward, and eventually, you’ll find your tribe.

The important thing is not to get discouraged.

Be patient with yourself and keep moving forward. You’ve got this!

4. Transformation

If you’ve made it to the transformation stage, congratulations!

This is where the real work of spiritual ascension begins.

Now it’s time to start shedding the old ways of being that no longer serve you.

This is a process of letting go of anything holding you back from achieving your highest potential.

It’s also a time of releasing old patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that no longer serve you.

This process can be difficult, but it’s also incredibly liberating.

Remember, you are not your past. You are not your mistakes.

You are a being of infinite potential, and it’s time to start…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in aglowlifestyle.com. All the rights of content are owned by aglowlifestyle.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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