7 Signs You Have An Overactive Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the 4th energy centre within our chakra system, it is the gateway or bridge to the higher chakras.

The first 3 chakras deal with more physically rooted and earthly perspectives and as we move into the heart chakra perspective we can begin to focus, embrace and integrate the spiritual, non-physical, and energetic layers of life.

This chakra is also known by the Sanskrit name Anahata which holds the meaning ‘unstruck’ or ‘unhurt’.

This is a really powerful chakra as when it is in a balanced state we experience the truest perspectives of love, compassion, forgiveness, self-love, conscious transformation, healing, and deep connection to all beings and elements in the universe.

These beautiful experiences can be distorted when you have an overactive heart chakra.

The physical organ of the heart that is the manifestation of this chakra has been found to emit an extremely strong electromagnetic torus field that is directly affected by our emotional state and has the power to affect the world around us.

This chakra is linked to our experience, expressions, and mastery of the power of emotions.

The signs of an overactive heart chakra can be more subtle than a blocked or underactive heart chakra.

You may be thinking, is too much loving a bad thing? But that is not what an overactive heart chakra is about.

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An overactive heart chakra is most simply about loving from a misaligned state.

Within this article, we shall explore the causes of an overactive heart chakra, the signs that can indicate you have an overactive heart chakra, and some powerful practices that you can utilize to regain balance.

The Cause Of An Overactive Heart Chakra

person with a overactive heart chakra

An overactive chakra can be simply understood as a chakra that is emitting too much energy that is disharmonious, imbalanced, or misaligned with the true or balanced energy that the chakra is intended to emit.

The cause of an overactive heart chakra can be linked back to childhood experiences, abusive relationship experiences, and insecurity which could be due to a variety of reasons. 

You can be more sensitive and inclined to experience an overactive heart chakra when you have certain personality traits; such as if you are an empath.

 The overactive heart chakra state can often be a coping mechanism that develops where you try to always please those around you or to be extra loving and overly understanding in an attempt to stay safe or to try to remedy a continually difficult situation or relationship.

The signs that we discuss in the main section of the article below will give you more detailed insights into the traits of an overactive heart chakra.

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7 Signs Of An Overactive Heart Chakra

a sign of a overactive heart chakra

These are some of the key signs that can indicate that your heart chakra is overactive: 

1. You lack healthy boundaries 

A boundary can be understood as a necessary and intentionally set limit within your relationships with others or with yourself that you set in the interest of self-preservation, self-love or healing.

A prominent sign of an overactive heart chakra is a lack of healthy boundaries.

You may experience difficulty with setting or maintaining necessary boundaries within your close relationships and daily interactions.

When the heart chakra is overactive we tend to override the importance of our needs and emotions and so this can make it tricky to determine when we need to set boundaries.

If and when we do manage to identify a boundary that we need to set it can be very tricky to hold our energy space in a way that upholds the boundary especially when it is challenged.

2. You constantly put others before yourself to your detriment

Focusing on taking care of others is not a negative trait but when you are selfless and you have not taken care of your energy first this can cause energy imbalances.

When you take care of others and completely neglect your own needs and wants this can be an indication that your heart chakra is overactive.

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 If you feel compelled to put others before yourself but you are often left feeling depleted and uncared for then it is likely that your heart chakra is overactive.

This type of imbalance can cause your heart energy to be primarily externally focused instead of balanced between a flow of loving energy that is fulfilled internally as well as shared and received from other people and experiences. 

3. You struggle to receive 

a symptom of someone with a overactive heart chakra

The heart chakra is not only about giving but it is also receiving.

The struggle to receive is a trait of a blocked or underactive heart chakra but it can also be a sign of an overactive heart chakra. 

When this energy centre is misaligned in overactivity it can keep your energy focused on giving, giving, and more giving.

This is why you may find that you struggle to keep some space to receive loving and…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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