Purple Chakra: Crown Chakra Color Meaning

Purple Chakra, also known as Crown Chakra or the “thousand-petaled lotus“, is a seventh energy center located at the crown of your head.

Purple chakra is the most powerful energy center in the whole chakra system, combining the attributes of all seven chakras.

The energy of this chakra assists you in feeling divine oneness and harmony with all life forms and everything in your surroundings.

There are 2 primary colors, which are usually associated with this chakra:

In this post, we are going to look into the meaning behind the purple color and its significance for crown chakra.

What Does Purple Represent Spiritually?

Purple is considered to be one of the most spiritual colors as it offers an inner sense of oneness, completeness, and integrity. It is a color of spirituality, reflection, and self-awareness. 

An aura of purple symbolizes the high degree of curiosity, interest, and desire of a person to find answers to different life difficulties to follow the correct path.

Purple can assist you in self-alignment with the Universe as a whole.

Purple color is a rare occurring color in nature, and as a result, it is often regarded as having sacred meaning

Purple has a relaxing and uplifting effect on our body, allowing us to focus on introspection and insight.

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What Is The Function of Purple Chakra?

Most of the qualities of the purple color correspond to the role of the crown chakra.

Through spirituality, self-realization, knowledge, and enlightenment, purple chakra connects you with the Divine power and endless supply of healing energy.

Your seventh chakra functions as a direct, energetic route to your Higher Self. All you have to do is to awaken to its beautiful, Divine light.

Purple chakra governs the following aspects of your life:

  • Spirituality
  • Consciousness
  • Self-Realization
  • Enlightenment
  • Life Purpose
  • Fulfillment


Your highest chakra functions as a receiver of consciousness from the Source, keeping you linked to the Divine and your Higher Self. 

This chakra provides you with a sense of awareness that life has a greater meaning and order.

What Is The Symbolism Of Purple?

Purple is a hue created by combining blue and red. It is a color that blends blue’s serene tranquility with red’s fiery intensity.

Purple has historically been used to separate the elite from the common folk. The extraction process of that lovely, rich color required a longer length of time and, as a result, it was only affordable and available to the wealthy.

Therefore, purple is frequently linked with royalty, aristocracy, wealth, luxury, and power.

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Purple represents dreams, desires, and fantasy. It promotes well-being and assists those who need to quiet their “busy brain” and regain attention.

Purple is the color of intuition, kindness, compassion, and loyalty. If it’s your favorite color, you most likely possess some of these qualities.

If you like purple, service is your love language, and you frequently put others’ needs ahead of your own. People are aware of this fact about you, and as a result, some will want to absorb all of your unique energy.

How Do You Open a Purple Chakra?

Committing to the path of complete surrender to the higher power is one of the most essential things you can do while working with your crown chakra.

Your spirit will be elevated to the highest levels of consciousness when you decide to undertake your path towards enlightenment and let go of the myth of separation.

These are my favourite methods to balance and open the purple chakra:

  • Meditation
  • Visualization
  • Silence Exercise
  • Affirmations
  • Yoga
  • Crystals & Gemstones
  • Time in Nature

All of these methods are described in more detail in this article:
How To Unblock Your Crown Chakra?

What Are Purple Chakra Stones?

Let’s a have a look at some of the best stones to balance your crown chakra:

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  • Typical colors: clear is the most common color but it appears in any other color.
  • Helps with: meditation, expansion of consciousness, communication with guides, past-life recall, attracting love and  prosperity, absorbing negative energy, concentration, memory.


Clear Quartz Crown Chakra Stone Crystal Gemstone

If there is only 1 stone that you can get to start working with your 7 chakras, it has to be clear quartz! This powerful stone is also known as the ‘master healing crystal‘, as it has the potential to balance and integrate all of your energy centers. Clear quartz will also bring more clarity to your mind by filtering out all unnecessary distractions. It symbolizes the absolute white light of creation that expresses itself in its crystalline beauty.  


  • Typical colors: gray-white, brown-green, brownish yellow, greenish, gray-green. 
  • Helps with: meditation, spiritual work, absorbing negative energy, focus, mental clarity, communication with guides, stress, and anxiety.


Selenite Crown Chakra Stone Crystal Gemstone

This is the perfect crystal to purify the light within your aura. Selenite will connect you with your higher self and…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in 7chakrastore.com. All the rights of content are owned by 7chakrastore.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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