feng shui for good luck and wealth (7 feng shui tips to prevent bad luck and increase good fortune!)

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feng shui for good luck and wealth (7 feng shui tips to prevent bad luck and increase good fortune!)

Feng shui can help you create a harmonious and peaceful home, but did you know that it can also make your home a magnet for good luck? Using just a few feng shui basics can help you create a home that attracts good luck, good fortune, and wealth. These feng shui tips will increase your good luck and wealth while preventing and changing bad luck! 

increase good fortune feng shui
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Start with the front door.  The front door is considered the “mouth” of your home, which means it’s how luck, opportunity, and fortune find you!  A welcoming front door and entryway are vital to creating a home that’s a luck and wealth magnet. 

Some basics for creating a lucky front door are:  

  • Make sure your door, porch, and entryway are clean and decluttered.
  • Make sure the door opens freely, that all of the hardware works and that nothing is behind the door when you open it.  (Items that stop the door from opening all the way also stop the luck and money from entering!)
  • Make sure the porch light works (if you have one!)
  • Make sure nothing is blocking the walkway to the door – don’t have plants or other items directly in front of the door so that it’s difficult to enter.
  • Also check to see if there is anything blocking your door on the walkway from the street or driveway. You want a clear path for the good luck to find you!
  • Finally, if possible, don’t keep the trashcan in front of your front door – if it’s not possible to move it, place it in attractive containers or find another way to keep it contained so that it doesn’t block the Chi (life force energy) from entering your home!
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(Because the front door is such an important part of feng shui and attracting energy and opportunity to your life, click here to learn how to feng shui your front door for even more luck and good fortune!)

Take a look at the plants and landscaping in and around your home. 

  • Do you have dead plants in your home? 
  • Is your yard well maintained?
  • Is there a lot of dead or dying landscape?
  • Does your house look like plant hospital? 

Dead or dying plants, landscaping, and otherwise neglected outside maintenance can also affect the luck and opportunities you attract in your life. 

spruce up your entryway for good fortune

While it might seem like a good idea to try and “save” dead or dying plants, it actually represents draining energy – which can drain you in all areas of your life, including fortune and luck!

Some people believe that plants absorb negative energy, protecting you from becoming sick or attracting bad luck — so bless the plants that are dead or dying and replace them with something fresh and vibrant! 

If you have a front yard and/or front porch – make sure the plants in those areas are living and vibrant as well. 

If you can’t control the plants, grass, or landscaping, at least make sure it is trimmed and well-maintained and as inviting as possible. 

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You might be surprised at how this one change can make a huge difference in your luck and good fortune!

Speaking of plants — adding fresh flowers to your home will add to your luck and opportunity! 

Aside from having a lot of attractive, colorful energy (which is always attracts good vibes in feng shui), fresh flowers also make your space feel special. 

Just think about how you feel anytime someone surprises you with flowers!  Instead of saving them for a special occasion, making as many days as possible feel special attracts good fortune and good energy to your home. 

Treat yourself a few times a month to fresh flowers, and make sure that you choose ones that you love!  Throw them out as soon as they start to turn brown and die, and thank them for bringing their vibrant, exciting energy to your home and life.

Create better flow.  Once the good energy is in your home, you want to keep it moving! 

Two ways you can do this are to declutter and create better flow with your furniture. 

Make sure you can move easily throughout your home, and that nothing is blocking the doorways or hallways.  Arrange furniture so that it’s circular and/or balanced in each room (if possible). 

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Arranging furniture so that people can easily conversate and move around means the energy is high and can move freely too! 

Add color to your home that attracts money and good luck.  The colors that are most attractive for money are: green, gold, and purple.  The colors most attractive to good luck are reds, oranges, and bright pinks. 

If you don’t want to add the color to your furnishings or accessories, you can add pops of color inside drawers and under furniture with colored papers or fabrics.  Line your drawers with colorful shelf paper or place some bright fabric under your couch cushions. 

The colors don’t have to be visible to attract…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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