Reiki and Cannabis

I am actually a little surprised and baffled that the topic of cannabis and healing isn’t way more sought-after, discussed and experimentally researched. As a recent Reiki teacher (since Sept. 2018) and long time Spiritual researcher/practitioner (since March 1998) who has implemented cannabis as a sacrament into my practices for many years (since 1999) highly value the ease of harnessing higher consciousness/ super consciousness and “downloaded” information/ knowledge/ wisdom/ insights/ prophecies, far beyond temporal understanding, especially healing related.

This was made blatantly apparent to my consciousness the first time I smoked cannabis before a regular daily mediation session. I would advise anyone to learn to meditate first without cannabis and then micro-dose (taking a very, very small amount) and little by little introduce cannabis and easily accessed/ activated higher Self/consciousness into your meditation practices to see/experience the above-mentioned downloads for yourself.

Personally, in learning how to get the optimum benefits from cannabis and meditation I had to research/develop with the learning curve being more trial and error based, with instantaneous corrective measures. Until I started mindfully paying very close attention and staying observant of every nuance possible to detect while in altered and higher states of awareness/consciousness as a result of cannabis usage during Spiritual practices, did it all start to click. Literally, once I felt comfortable in utilizing cannabis in my practices did I start to expand contemplation of how healing and increased health benefits would come about with conscious cannabis utilization.

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It was around this time (since 2000) as well that I started to incorporate cannabis use with daily yoga practice as well. Thanks to consistent, dedicated practices of daily meditation and yoga respectively, incorporating cannabis as a sacrament became very natural and rewarding. As I continued these practices, I became more eager to want to share this exciting development, simply because the benefits and after-effects were such that I felt I couldn’t continue enjoying this without at least sharing it, but with whom and how?

Thankfully, fortunately and finally mainstream society decided to change its biased stance against cannabis, however the intentions behind this change of heart seems suspect. In regards to if whether decriminalization/legalization of the medicinal plant Cannabis sativa is based upon simply greed.

As the healthful therapeutic benefits have always been with us as well as within us. Known as cannabinoids, a powerful group of health-enhancing natural compounds chemically similar to your body’s endocannabinoids. Cannabinoids are in oils, edibles, tinctures, capsules just to name a few of the ways it is ingested. Allowing for interactions with your mind and body’s cannabinoid receptors. Having direct affect upon neurotransmitters in your brain….

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