I Hate My Life: What To Do When You Hate Yourself?

What a terrible burden it is to have low self-esteem or to even hate your life, your family and yourself. Imagine a world where you feel bad much of the time and want to start over, or worse, you don’t even want to live.

We all go through bad patches in our lives. Some are worse than others, and it’s at times like this you might think, “I hate my life.” Maybe you haven’t achieved what you thought you would, or you have the boss from hell, or you’re just exhausted.

We all go through bad patches in our lives

Why Do I Hate My Life?

Whatever the reason, it’s normal to feel down on and hate your life once in a while. And, before you start to think that you’re the only one that hasn’t got it all together, relax. According to Statista, 7.4 percent of Americans suffered from mental health or depression in some form or another in 2016.

Sometimes depression is characterized by a general state of sadness, and at others, it’s downright despair. Do realize one thing – you’re not alone, and there is hope for you. You can take many steps to improve your situation right now.

And the good news is that even if you can’t change your actual circumstances, you can change how you see things. And that could be all that you need to get over the hurdle. In this post, we’ll look at what to do when you hate your life and how you can learn to love it again.

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Step 1: Why Do I Hate My Life?

It’s simple enough to say, “I hate my life,” but have you analyzed why you do? Your first step toward feeling better about your life is to figure out what’s made you so upset in the first place. Take some time to work out what your reasons are for feeling bad, and you can find a solution.

Here are some possibilities to get you started.

You Have Unrealistic Expectations

We’re not saying this to be negative at all, but unrealistic expectations are often a significant cause of upset for us. And, in this day and age, it’s not that unusual to have expectations that are less than realistic. People often tell others they can’t have it all, and they can’t live the life of their dreams.

We watch TV and see people who have tons of friends, always look gorgeous, have perfect relationships, etc. It sets us up for disappointment. Then, on top of that, we also compare ourselves to others and their perfect lives.

Here’s a secret for you – no one has a perfect life. The superstar with legions of fans has insecurities about their experience, in much the same way as you do. That guy with lots of money has problems of his own. They might not be the same problems as you have, but scratch beneath the surface, and you’ll see.

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There is no such thing as perfect, but we’re all told that we have to achieve perfection. So, what do a lot of us do? We fake it. We don’t want to admit our failures to others. Which is ridiculous, because if we did, we’d find we had a lot more in common than we thought.

In the meantime, though, we’re striving for something that we’ll never achieve. No wonder we get so frustrated with life.

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SelfDevelopmentSecrets.com. All the rights of content are owned by SelfDevelopmentSecrets.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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