Manifesting 101: Mastering the Art of Getting What You Want

Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote extensively on the art of manifesting, exclusively dedicating several of his books to the power of intention and learning how to manifest the life of your dreams. Manifest Your Destiny and Wishes Fulfilled were just two of his most well-known titles on the subject of co-creating.


There is a level of awareness available to you that you are probably unfamiliar with. It extends upwards and transcends the ordinary level of consciousness that you’re most accustomed to.

At this higher plane of existence, which you can access at will, the fulfillment of wishes is not only probable — it’s guaranteed.

At this level, your wishes — all of them — can indeed be fulfilled. By using your imagination and practicing the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and steadfastly refusing to allow any evidence of the outer world to distract you from your intentions, you will discover that you, by virtue of your spiritual awareness, possess the ability to become the person you were destined to be.

What follows is simply a preparation for entering into that realm wherein you have much more say over what comes into your life than you might have envisioned. Read and apply these 13 habits into your own life, and you will soon be well on your way to creating your own destiny.

Habit 1: Believe You Are an Infinite Spiritual Being Having a Temporary Human Experience

The first step to learning to manifest your reality is you must create a new concept of yourself: as an infinite spiritual being having a temporary human experience.

The I that I use to describe myself is not so obsessed that he insists in staying in one body. In fact, that I that is me finally recognizes that ancient spiritual truth spoken by Divine masters since antiquity: None of us are really doing anything, rather we (our bodies) are merely being done.* 

This I that you use to describe yourself isn’t the physical form that you occupy and take with you everywhere. The I is your higher self, changeless and real.

Habit 2: Become the Observer of Your Thoughts

You become what you think about. If you think about giving, as God does, the Universe will provide. If you think about things being taken away, then that’s what you’ll attract.

If you want to manifest your dreams, you must become a master at monitoring the thoughts and feelings you are aligning yourself with. Your thoughts and feelings become your reality, so become adept at observing the thoughts and feelings you are creating for yourself.

Habit 3: Release Your Imagination from Current Limiting Circumstances

Do not let your imagination be restricted to the current conditions of your life, or what I call “being obsessed with what is.” Keep reminding yourself that everything that you’ve believed has gotten you to precisely the point where you are now.

This is a rather persistent theme in my work, so it bears repeating here: if you want to elevate your life and become a manifester, then you have to change what you’ve believed to be true about yourself that has landed you where you are. The sentiments of This is reality, This is just the way things are, There is nothing that I can do to change what is, and the like are pernicious thoughts that will taint and defile your great gift of I am that I am, which is your Divine inheritance from your creator.

Habit 4: See Your Wish as Already Accomplished 

In my mind …

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