Reiki for Chakra Healing

As Reiki Practitioners, we often focus on balancing the energy in our bodies and chakras. A long-term imbalance in any one of our chakras can lead to physical and emotional issues. Life is never stagnant. It is always changing. The energies around us are always changing and thus, our energy is always changing.

Our bodies function at their best, when our energies are balanced and flowing. By focusing on clearing our chakras, we have the ability to help our bodies function at their best. To do this, I have used this Reiki exercise to help clear and balance chakras.

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Reiki for Chakra Healing

  1. Find a quiet space, sit or lay down comfortably, and take a few, deep, cleansing breaths.
  2. Draw the Reiki symbols on your palms (for those who are Level I Practitioners, you can skip this part) and set the intention that you are healing and balancing all of your chakras.
  3. Start by placing your hands on your Root chakra, send Reiki, and imagine a beautiful red light filling up this space.
  4. When you are ready, move your hands to your Sacral chakra, send Reiki, and imagine a beautiful orange light filling up this space.
  5. When you are ready, move your hands to your Solar Plexus chakra, send Reiki, and imagine a beautiful yellow light filling up this space.
  6. When you are ready, move your hands to your Heart chakra, send Reiki, and imagine a beautiful green light filling up this space.
  7. When you are ready, move your hands to your Throat chakra, send Reiki, and imagine a beautiful light blue light filling up this space.
  8. When you are ready, move your hands to your Third Eye chakra, send Reiki, and imagine a beautiful indigo colored light filling up this space.
  9. When you are ready, move your hands to your Crown chakra, send Reiki, and imagine a beautiful violet light filling up this space.
  10. Sit for a few minutes and envision all of your chakras, full of their corresponding light, shining brightly. Your body is now a rainbow of light.
  11. Say, “My chakras are balanced and light.”
  12. Finish your self-healing session, by sending Reiki energy down to your feet, to ground yourself.
  13. Slowly open your eyes. Thank the Reiki energy and your guides for assisting you in this healing exercise.

Article by Stefanie Ruth

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Stefanie Ruth is a Reiki Master Teacher, Ordained Minister, and Empath. She holds a Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology. With divine timing, Reiki entered her life in 2009 and empowered her to change her future. She enjoys sharing the power and light of Reiki with others. Stefanie provides private and distance Reiki sessions and teaches Reiki classes. She can be reached on Instagram at or on her website, at