Your Guide to 2021 With Your Personal Year Number | Astrology Answers

A mother and son hold gold foil balloons that spell out 2021.

Do you want to know what the year 2021 has in store for you?

As we know, there are many incredible systems of divination out there that can help you uncover what may be just around the corner — from the Tarot to runes to pendulums — but did you know that there is another simple way that requires no tools at all?

Numerology might be able to shine some light on what lies ahead for you during this year by just analyzing the energy of your Personal Year number!

Your Personal Year Number is the number that works in conjunction with your date of birth to give you some insight as to what to expect from the year ahead. It tells you what cycle you’re in when it comes to applying numerology to your life.

Let’s discover yours and what it means for 2021!

Don’t forget to check in on your free daily numerology reading throughout the year!

How to Calculate Your Personal Year Number

To calculate your Personal Year number:

  • Add the day and month of your birth together.
  • Add that to the year in question.
  • Reduce it down again.

For example, if you were born on March 9th, you’d add 3 + 9 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3, so you reduce that number down to 3.

Add 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 to get 5. The 5 in this example is the “Universal Year” number. You’d add that to the 3 of your birth date calculation, 3 + 5 = 8. In this instance, your Personal Year number for 2021 would be 8.

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Let’s get some more practice by looking at another example.

Let’s say you’re planning a wedding or another big occasion and want to know the best year for it to happen. Your date of birth is November 18th. You are looking to see if 2021 is going to be a good year for the event.

Start by reducing your day of birth; 1 + 8 = 9. November reduces to 1 + 1 = 2. Add those together, 9 + 2 = 11. Add 1 + 1 = 2. Now let’s work with the universal year, 2021. 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5, then 5 + 2 = 7.

As you can see, this method helps you to determine if this is a good year for decision-making or whether you should wait and see what unfolds. It reveals whether you could be lucky in love or finances, or whether it’s a time to prepare for some hard work!

There’s no such thing as a good or a bad personal year, however. It’s all in how you apply yourself. Let’s look at each Personal Year number’s meaning and see what it means for you.

Check out some more numerology goodness: How to Use Your Expression Number in Numerology

Your Guide to 2021 With Your Personal Year Number

Personal Year 1

In numerology, 1 always indicates new beginnings! If this is your Personal Year number, buckle in — it’s known as the start of a fresh nine-year cycle, one that brings you a new set of promises and pitfalls.

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A year 1 is when you need to work on prioritizing your goals. Major life changes may come your way, too, either through your own choices or those thrust upon you by circumstance.

Overall, 2021 will be a year of profound changes, whether in your career, romantic life, or incredible spiritual growth and shifts. You won’t always control what these changes look like, but you can prepare in advance by expecting the unexpected.

The key? With a year 1, it’s always ideal to go with the grain of change rather than against it, so be ready to roll with the punches!

Personal Year 2

Like all things in twos, a Personal Year number of 2 is about balancing, harmony, and keeping the peace.

Because of this, a year 2 is not a time for making hurried decisions or rushing into things. On the contrary, it reminds you that every action you put into the Universe will have an equal response and reaction.

At times, it’s best to let things develop naturally. If you’re a natural go-getter, you could see this as a challenge, but any assertiveness is only going to cause you delays in reaching your long-term goals!

Cooperation and letting go of what isn’t important is the key to getting through 2021. And while not particularly fortunate for a new romance, it is a good time for strengthening existing relationships.

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Personal Year 3

Whether or not you were granted the “gift of gab” at birth, a Personal Year 3 indicates that it is time to get the communicative juices flowing regardless!

It will most likely be a very social year, a time to focus on mingling with others. This doesn’t necessarily have to be in-person communication, but it could also mean that you’re branching out into new online communities and expanding social media reach.

It’s a good year for romance too, but those relationships may be fleeting! Remember to keep things light and move with this ebb and flow.

Finally, if you’re creative, this is also a good year to throw yourself into your hobbies! 2021 is full of abundant opportunities with this personal year number — it’s just up to you to take them.

Personal Year 4

2021 is a year of much work for you if number 4 is your Personal Year number, but there is an incredible bright side to this as well.

A high reward for your work is also possible with this number,…

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