Root Chakra Healing Guide | Muladhara Chakra

I think you’ll agree when I say that you can’t build a great house on a weak foundation.

In life, we often have great, creative ideas, and we get really enthusiastic about going after our goals.

But what about completion and grounding these ideas into physical reality?

If you find yourself not starting or finishing projects and searching through the branches just like I was in the past, the energy is not flowing freely through your root chakra.

Here’s why this is so important:

We come to this world through the root chakras of our mothers, and everything we try to create and manifest in life finds completion through the root chakra (Muladhara) energy first.

In this article, I am going to tell you everything you need to know about the power of the Muladhara chakra and show you the importance of having a healthy, well-balanced, fast-spinning, and unobstructed base chakra.

We will then explore some of the best ideas on how to heal your blocked root chakra and restore its balance.

Mother with Baby Root Chakra Muladhara

Article Contents:

1. What is The Root Chakra?
2. Root Chakra LocationWhere is The Root Chakra?
3. Root Chakra Symbol MeaningWhat does the Root Chakra symbolize?
4. Root Chakra ImbalanceWhat Happens When The First Chakra is Imbalanced?
5. Root Chakra Healing
6. How do I Balance and Heal My Root Chakra?
7. Root Chakra OpeningHow do I Open My Root Chakra?
Root Chakra Meditation
Root Chakra Affirmations
8. Yoga Poses For Root Chakra
9. Root Chakra StonesWhat Crystals and Stones Are Good For Root Chakra?
10. Aromatherapy For Root Chakra. Which Essential Oils Are Good For Root Chakra?
11. Root Chakra FoodsWhich Foods Are Good For Root Chakra?
12. References

What is The Root Chakra?

The Root Chakra, also known as Base Chakra, is the first of the seven chakras associated with survival, grounding, and safety.

Root chakra is the foundation of our entire system on which the other chakras sit, and it is situated at the base of the spine between the coccyx and the pelvic bone, and its color is red.

So, what is the main function of root chakra?

The main function of the root chakra is to keep you grounded in the physical world and to keep you alive.

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This chakra is in direct connection with mother Earth, and it relates to the element earthThe Sanskrit name for this chakra is Muladhara, which means “root support”.

The Root Chakra represents the first step into the material world. If we do not balance this chakra before we progress to others, our advancement will lack the stability necessary for true growth.

Root Chakra Muladhara Chakra

Do you want to know the best part?

The base chakra is the place where the Kundalini (the life force) sleepswaiting to be liberated and give you the power to go into the material world.

Kundalini is a universal concept for a powerful and enlightening force, which generates a profound state of consciousness.


Root Chakra Location

In the body, the first chakra is located at the base of the spine, midway between the coccyx bone and the pelvic bone – it is the point you are sitting on right now.

Paths of energy in root chakra extend downward like a root through the legs and feet to contact the Earth.

What’s the best way to visualize the root chakra?

Muladhara chakra is a wheel of light measuring about 3 inches in diameter, which spins to form a light funnel pointing towards the earth from the base of the spine.

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Physically, Muladhara relates to denser parts of our body, such as the bones, spine, legs, knees, and colon.

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So what are the main signs of imbalanced root chakra?

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