Roots Meditation

In Reiki, as a rule, we should ground ourselves, as well as our clients, during a Reiki treatment. This meditation is great (as well as easy and quick to make) for grounding purposes before we leave home, before a treatment, or on many other situations in which we need to ground ourselves (which is also a way to protect ourselves…). I also use it to ground my clients.

Imagine yourself sitting in a clearing in the forest, surrounded by magnificent trees, listening to the noises around you, aware of the smells that surround you and contemplating the thundering waterfall that falls into a lake, of pure and crystalline waters, where fish of bright and vivid colors swim.

Feel at peace, and in harmony, with the nature that surrounds you and feel that from your feet sprout roots that penetrate deeply into the earth and that, as they penetrate deeper, deeper and deeper, they thicken and branch, following their path to the center of the earth and that, deep, very deep, the roots dive into the pure and crystalline waters of a river that flows in a crystal riverbed.

Feel the freshness and energy of these waters and feel that, as the roots contact with these pure and crystalline waters, all the negative energies in you, such as, thoughts, feelings, worries, anxieties… as well as those around you, are discharged (here you can visualize some black roots releasing a black fluid that flows and dissolves in the pure and crystalline waters, leaving the roots clean) into these waters, taken away and transmuted into positive energy.

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Now, that you are free from all the negative energies, all astral larvae and miasma, feel that from the river, and from the earth itself, rises, through the roots, a vibrant and refreshing energy that floods your whole being. (At this point and in case you a going to treat someone, you can make the invocations and ask; the Source to let you use the energy of the Universe, to the Guides to orient your work, and to the Energy its channeling – always for the supreme good of…).

This roots meditation can also be done at the time of Gassho meditation or before reciting the Gokai.

Article by João Antão Marques

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João Antão Marques
João Antão Marques

João Antão Marques, a retired chemical engineer, is an Usui Tibetan Reiki Master/teacher living in Lisbon, Portugal, with training in Jikiden Reiki, Karuna® Reiki and Seichim, Lotus Light Jewel, Tibetan Bowls Massage and Therapy of Past Lives. Works as a volunteer with elder people in a Daily Center of the Portuguese Red Cross and has also worked with drugs and alcohol addicted. In the meantime, has published a book for non-Reiki people “Hello I am the Reiki”. João can be reached by mail at

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