Scripting Manifestation Method (+ Prompts and Examples!)

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The scripting manifestation method is an extremely powerful technique you can use to manifest anything you want.

Once you master the scripting technique, it becomes one of the easiest forms of manifestation!

Why it works:

The scripting method works because your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between what you’re imagining and what is actually happening.

This is why visualization techniques work – when you imagine things in your mind, your subconscious believes they are happening right NOW.

This aligns your vibration to actually HAVING what you want (instead of the absence of what you want.)

You feel the feelings as if what you are writing or visualizing is happening right at this moment.

Those feelings change the vibration in your body, and the Universe responds, bringing you things that match that vibration.

Related Post: 17 Second Manifestation Technique (5 Steps that WORK)

scripting manifestation method

How to Do The Scripting Manifestation Method:

The simplest way to use the scripting method of manifestation is to use a notebook or journal.

Sit somewhere that you won’t be disturbed.

Start writing about your DREAM day.

Either the day you received the specific manifestation you are calling in, or a dream day in your dream life.

Write with as much detail as possible, as if you are actually writing a book or telling someone step-by-step what happened that day.

You can write in the present tense as if it’s actually happening.

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This is scripting in the present tense – narrating your day as if it’s happening right now.

(I get up at 7 am. I meditate, sitting on the meditation pillow at the foot of the bed. I meditate for 10 minutes. I get up and go make coffee. Etc.)

The other way to script is to write as if you are telling your best friend (or reporter, if that’s your thing!) step-by-step what happened that day.

This would be in the past tense (I got up at 7 am. I meditated, sat on my meditation pillow at the foot of my bed. Etc, etc.)

person writing in a journal

Scripting Manifestation Method Prompts

If you are struggling with ideas to write about in your dream day or dream life, these scripting journal method prompts and examples can help.

Use them as a jumping-off point.

If you find when you’re writing that you think of things that aren’t on this list, WRITE THEM!

Use your intuition and write EVERYTHING that comes to you when you think of your dream day.

When you’re scripting for manifestation, you are often channeling from your highest self – the person who already has everything you want!

Sometimes you’ll find that you write things that you never would have thought of!

You might end up writing a plan that gets you everything you want!

Your higher self knows what you want and knows how to get there.

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When you write out a script, you might find yourself writing things you didn’t even know that you knew!

Script a specific day in your dream life, being as detailed as possible:

What time do you wake up?

What are you wearing when you wake up?

What do you do first thing in the morning?

What do you eat for breakfast?

Do you have a morning ritual? What is it? Describe it in detail.

What kind of workout do you do? How long do you work out? What are you wearing?

When you get dressed for the day, what are you wearing? What does your getting dressed routine look like?

Where are you in your home? Do you take a shower? Wash your hair? Put on makeup?

Do you have a schedule for the day? If so, what does it look like?

Who do you talk to?

Who do you interact with?

Does your perfect day include working? If so:

Do you have a job? What kind of work do you do?

Do you have a business or work for yourself?

Do you commute? If so, what kind of car do you drive? Describe it in detail.

How long is your commute? What do you do while commuting? Do you listen to music or podcasts? If so, what are you listening to?

Are you drinking coffee on your way to work? Do you buy it or bring it?

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Do you work in an office? If so, describe it in detail.

What does your morning activity look like?

Who do you work with? What work do you do?

Describe what your ideal morning at work would look like. What are you doing?

What do you do when you get into work? Do you have a routine when you get to work? If so, what is it?

Do you see clients or customers? If so, what are they like?

Describe everything you’re doing from the moment you start working until you take a break or go to lunch.

What do you eat for lunch? Do you eat at your desk? Do you go out to lunch with someone? If so, who is it?

What does your perfect afternoon look like? What are you doing? Who are you doing it with?

If you worked for the day, what does the afternoon look like at work? Who do you work with?

Do you see customers or clients? How many do you see? What do you talk…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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