Muscle Twitching During Reiki (Explained!) – Reiki Galore

Muscle Twitching During Reiki

Perhaps you’ve been on the receiving end of a Reiki session and can’t help but wonder why you experienced some spasms or involuntary twitching sensation. Relax. Don’t fret. It’s clear that energy was flowing, but did you get to know what exactly was happening, and why the sudden or unexpected response?

First and foremost, this is a collective experience referred to as “Kriya.”

During awakening, a unique form of energy known as the Kundalini energy gets released from the Root Chakra of one’s energy system.

Causes of Muscle Twitching

Kundalini energy is the dormant energy at the base of the spine, positioned at the root chakra energy area that gets awakened. It shoots up the spine activating other chakras above and removes blockages, thus enhancing healing.

Releasing this form of energy causes a stretch in the energy system, which causes it to align with the energy frequency that is released. You might as well think of it as upgrading the wiring system of an electric device to cater to the increasing load to prevent blowing up. It’s merely the unconscious reaction of one’s body to the released energy that’s activating the nervous system.

Muscle twitching during Reiki

You may have experienced such kind of reaction on the Reiki table. Such types of reactions characterized by jerking, twitching, and involuntary spasms rid the body of any blockages or resistance so that the kundalini energy flows seamlessly, facilitating a sense of healing. However, it would be best if you took note that not every Reiki experience will result in such an involuntary experience.

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It will depend on the state of one’s natural preparedness.

On the other hand, convulsive movements of the whole body (which rarely happens), or a specific part of the body is an entirely different experience. Research conducted recently indicated that such an experience way be grievous or pose harmful side effects on the patients, such as increased stress levels.

Generally, the practitioner should remove their hands, back away, and desist from carrying on with the session.

They can also shift to other parts of the body if given the consent to continue.

As most practitioners like using the term “issue in the tissue,” it may come across that such practitioners tap into some underlying issues that might have caused deep trauma or shame in the past, or that you’ve been trying hard enough to suppress some negative emotions. Tapping into such negative emotions may elicit severe convulsions, and practitioners sometimes are advised to back away and give time to recover, providing in-session breaks or quit the session altogether.

How To Prevent Muscle Twitching

Muscle Twitching During Reiki

Avoiding Fear

One way of addressing muscle twitching during a Reiki session is to avoid being afraid of them. Exhibiting a fearful response establishes a stumbling block in addressing the fundamental challenges that one has hence shut the door towards healing. It forms the basis as to why relaxation and meditation is a vital component in solving existing internal problems. The first step in addressing the inner challenges is to get rid of the fear through meditation and relaxation.

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Generally, muscle twitching shouldn’t be a regular part of your sessions. They should be resolved at the onset of the first session if they are issue-related. Continual exhibiting of muscle twitching during Reiki only indicates a sign of not going deep enough.


Grounding is sometimes overly convoluted. It may only mean sitting down and relaxing or taking a stroll in nature or simply a garden. It may also take the form of simple, gentle exercises to help you settle more into your body. As grounding takes effect, you need to breathe into the negative feelings emanating from your body calmly.

Advanced Reiki practitioners sometimes offer such a relaxing environment for their patients before commencing sessions to be in touch with their inner feelings, though not common. They also recommend simple strategies such as grounding or rolling gently on the ground to minimize the effects of involuntary twitching.

Clean up Your Internal Closet

As earlier discussed, internal twitching was indicative of an internal struggle as the body tries to rid itself of the blockages or negative emotions. For one to fully enjoy Reiki sessions and minimize such effects, they must try to straighten the problematic issues in their lives and release the negative energies that may have accumulated in their lifetime.

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Such energies tend to have an outburst, leading to violent convulsions and extreme twitching, which may not be productive health-wise. Why wait to have such an experience at the Reiki table, yet you have the chance to sort out your internal mess?

Consult Your Doctor When in Doubt

Reiki practitioners always advise that you consult your doctor if you have involuntary physical movements. Such movements may pinpoint underlying bodily issues. It is when still in doubt. There exist many bodily and neurological disorders that may…

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