Know Your Third Eye Chakra: How to Heal and Balance It

The way we see the world and perceive ourselves, how others perceive us or how we think they perceive us is influenced by the chakra of the third eye.

The chakra of the third eye is located in the middle of the forehead, the point between the eyebrows. It is related to the ability to “GIVE” and “RECEIVE” and the ability to tell the truth, clairvoyance, higher mental wisdom, self-vision, visualization, intuition, imagination and discernment. The chakra of the third eye provides energy to the pituitary gland, small brain, left eye, ears, nose, nervous system. It is also the center of telepathy, the center through which we can send thoughts, images and representations to other people. Through the frontal chakra the full perception of the Self takes place. This is the “headquarters” of spiritual forces, intellectual discernment, memory, and will. When it is not balanced, there are difficulties in relying on your own intuition and feeling.

Because the third eye is the “headquarters” of all processes of awareness, through it we acquire capacity that extends from the manifestation of materialization to dematerialization. We can create new realities in the psychic realm and we can cancel out other realities. Usually, these processes take place automatically and without our conscious contribution. Most of the ideas that animate our lives are driven by emotional patterns and are programmed by our own or foreign judgments and prejudices. Thus, many times, our spirit is not the master, but rather the servant of our emotionally charged thoughts, which partially dominate us.

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Chakra of the third eye can be blocked by the domination of illusions, by the belief that life should look in a certain way – as it may have been transmitted to us through the media or we have been guided all our lives, limiting beliefs, traditions, blind life, not following intuition, by spending most of our time in front of a screen not followed by rebalancing exercises. The imbalance also occurs when we are no longer connected to our self.

To look for the cause of the imbalance, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I see things clearly?
  • Do I have self-awareness?
  • Can I remember my dreams and visions?
  • Do I have imagination and creativity?
  • How are my sinuses? Do I have problems with them, do I have allergies?

Imbalance of the frontal chakra can lead to headaches, severe migraines, eye conditions, neurological disorders, blindness, deafness, spine problems, sinus problems.

Other indications that the chakra of the third eye is closed or unbalanced

  • You don’t think you can change.
  • You feel misunderstood and unsupported in what you believe
  • It seems to you that your ideas are never accepted, that you are not accepted, that you cannot be yourself in front of those in the family
  • You need outside support to believe in your ideas and / or to make decisions
  • You feel empty, disconnected, caught in illusions, confused, lost, with a lot of stress,…
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