Shapes of Crystals: How to Use Crystal Shapes for Specific Outcomes

INSIDE: Shapes of crystals are much more than decorative pieces for our meditation corner. Just like each gemstone has its set of healing properties, each shape has its own power to transform our reality. Let’s discover what the different shapes mean and how we can benefit from each one…


Everything around us is part of the energetic or vibrational architecture. According to the Research Gate publication, we can see the laws of sacred geometry with a naked eye, as it is found in flora more commonly than we may realize.

Every sound, object, or shape has its vibration and is part of a greater scheme. Crystals, their formation, and their shapes are no different. Let’s discover what the different shapes of crystals mean and how we can benefit from them…

Shapes of Crystals: Why They Matter 

Healing crystals come in various shapes, forms, and sizes. We can chose them intuitively or by learning about their healing properties and the benefits they bring.

No matter what shape we go for, it is important to know that all crystals are equally powerful and beneficial. However, the shape and form of a crystal has a certain symbolism and meaning to it, and it also has its unique frequency.

Here’s why shape matters when choosing a crystal, and why it should be considered when selecting the gemstone that you resonate with… 

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Geodes of All Shapes and Sizes

Every Shape Has Its Vibration & Meaning

Just like everything else around us, every shape found in 3D reality has its vibration and is a representation of sacred geometry. That’s why every crystal and every crystal shape is unique and has a specific frequency and a meaning that we can use for healing.

While a type of crystal has specific healing properties, the shape of the crystal can determine how we want the energy around us to flow and where we want it to be directed.

For instance, Rose Quartz is a gentle, calming stone, and a pyramid is an energizing shape. When we opt for a Rose Quartz Pyramid, we are inviting more love and compassion into our lives, but we are also going to be more energized and motivated to act in a loving way. 

Different Shapes Can Be Used For Different Purposes

Because every shape has a specific symbolism attached to it, we can use different geometric shapes of crystals to transform the energy around us. Some are great for calming the space and inviting in love, while others can be used for manifestation and channeling focus.

Some shapes are meant to energize and lift us up, while others bring peace, balance, and serenity into our space.

  • Do you want a handy crystal to wear as jewelry or to hold in your purse for protection?
  • Are you looking for enlightenment and clarity?
  • Do you need more peace and stability in your life?
  • Are you looking for a type of crystal that can protect your space from negativity?
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Answering these questions will help you pick the right one.

A Shape Can Enhance the Intention

Geometric shapes, just like everything else around us, are aligned with the laws of sacred geometry. Knowing what each shape represents helps us understand its vibration so we can use it to enhance our intention and call in what we are trying to manifest.

If we want to align our chakras and do reiki healing, an Amethyst wand is a perfect tool for that. However, if we want to use Amethyst to improve our intuition and open ourselves for spiritual downloads, opting for an Amethyst Geode is an excellent choice.

geometric shapes of crystals

Shapes Amplify the Power of Crystals

Shapes not only contribute to the flow of energy in our lives but they also magnify the potency of the crystal. For instance, a pendulum made of Black Onyx is a perfect tool for personal transformation and repelling negativity, as the vibration of the shape and the crystal are in perfect sync.

A Green Jade heart-shaped crystal is an incredible option for inviting loving energy into our space, while a Citrine cluster is ideal for spreading positivity in our little sanctuary.

12 Crystal Shapes & Their Meaning

As part of our physical reality, the shapes around us have a healing vibration on their own. Here’s what different shapes of crystals mean, and how we can use the power and symbolism of these shapes in our spiritual practices…

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The pyramid is one of the most powerful geometric symbols as it helps to blend the physical and spiritual worlds. At its base, the pyramid has a solid cube, which represents ultimate stability, security, and strength.

Its top is pointed upwards, to the sky, symbolizing our connection with the Universe. The apex helps us establish a solid connection with our spirit guides, higher intelligence, and divine guidance.

Pyramid-shaped gemstones help us tune in with our higher selves. As such, they support our spiritual development while simultaneously assisting us in becoming more grounded and centered.

In feng shui, the pyramid represents the fire symbol, and as such it helps invite light, optimism, and passion into our lives, evoking our heart’s desires. Crystals that come in this shape…

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