Crystals for Communication: Improve Relationships & WellBeing

INSIDE: When we aren’t properly communicating, it affects our relationships, our work, and our well-being. Crystals for communication help us vibrate at a frequency that improves how we speak and listen to others.


How we communicate reflects how we feel inside. Sometimes, when our energy centers are blocked by fear, anxiety, doubt, or frustration, we find it difficult to speak our truth and authentically express ourselves.

A study by Cigna has shown that only half of participants feel like they have meaningful conversations on a daily basis.

15 of the Best Crystals for Communication 

If you’d like to enjoy better conversations and open yourself up to new lines of communication, there are crystals that can naturally amplify our conversational abilities and improve how we hear and are heard.

Here’s a video about a few of these healing stones

Now, let’s look at the top 15 crystals for communication because they might just be what you need.

Blue Quartz

Blue Quartz

Blue Quartz is one of the communication stones that helps unblock the throat chakra and formulate our thoughts with clarity and composure. It prevents social anxiety and gives more free flow to our speech.

This is a great stone to have when we find it difficult to express ourselves and open up about how we feel and think. Its energy brings us closer to those we communicate with, as it enhances our understanding and flexibility.

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More so, it helps us be more expressive and in tune with our authentic selves when communicating, which ultimately brings more balance to our relationships.



If you are looking to get in tune with your psyche so you can better express yourself and open yourself up to intuitive communication, Lodolite is the crystal for you. It helps connect our logical mind and intuition, so we can pick up subtle cues from the environment and be more sensible in our communications.

The vibration of Lodolite is such that it also improves communication with higher realms and teaches us to be better listeners, which in turn amplifies our ability to better understand our own and other people’s thoughts. This makes it a great crystal for nonverbal communication.



Bring Aquamarine with you, and your words will flow. This is one of the crystals for communication that can remove Throat Chakra blockages, and help us express our thoughts gently and truthfully.

It is a highly harmonizing stone, and its energy has the power to prevent arguments, pettiness, harshness, and rudeness in our dealings with others. It is a great stone for promoting compromise and tolerance, allowing us to communicate more tactfully.

All in all, Aquamarine promotes caring communication and helps attract more diplomacy our way.

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Tiger Jasper

Tiger Jasper

Tiger Jasper is a great stone for those who need to feel more self-assured and more confident in their interpersonal interactions. It is a crystal that helps our speech become more substantial and removes the confusion from our energetic field, so we can speak our mind with clarity and intention.

It helps us feel secure in our truth and removes the fear of speaking out assertively. Tiger Jasper is there to help us feel heard but also prevents misunderstandings and communication issues at work or at home. 

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz releases all negativity associated with our relationships and communications. By grounding and balancing us, it protects us from psychic attack and helps us to feel centered and composed.

At the same time, it uplifts us and eases any painful memories that are keeping us from enjoying our relationships. Smoky Quartz also amplifies the other crystals around it, making them even more potent and beneficial.



By enhancing our reasoning abilities and our intuition, Sodalite is one of the crystals for communication that helps us speak from a balanced place. It is a great piece to have for those who struggle to control their emotions, irrational fears, and impulses when dealing with others.

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Sodalite prevents conflicts and helps us operate from a more logical standpoint. It helps us get in touch with higher consciousness and clears the path to effective and harmonious communication.

This stone is also a great crystal to have when we are looking for more understanding of ourselves and others, so that we can express how we think and feel more freely.

Blue Goldstone

Blue Goldstone

Blue Goldstone is one of the best communication stones for those who would like to speak with more authenticity and bring their Throat Chakra back in balance. This is a crystal that opens pathways to self-expression that is more in alignment with who we truly are.

It helps us become more open-minded, and draw open-minded people to us, so we can learn through speaking and sharing ideas. It improves communication by amplifying our natural desire to speak our truth, preventing disagreements and miscommunications.



Amazonite helps connect the energy from the Hearth Chakra and the Throat chakra, allowing…

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