How to Stop Worrying About Your Manifestation | Aglow Lifestyle

We all worry from time to time, but it doesn’t do us any good.

In fact, worrying too much can actually sabotage our manifestation efforts.

So how can we stop worrying and get on with the business of achieving our dreams?

Here are a few tips to help you overcome worry for good!

Why do we worry so much about our manifestation? 

If you’re just starting out with manifestation, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of worry.

Most of the time, it’s because you’re not sure whether you’re doing it right or if it’s even going to work.

You don’t have any evidence to back up your claims yet, so it’s only natural to be a little bit skeptical and experience a few bouts of worry.

The truth is, worrying will only do you more harm than good.

It can sap your energy, cloud your judgment, and make it harder for you to take action towards your goals.

Not to mention, worrying is just a total waste of time!

Manifestation is the concept that whatever you focus your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs on is what you will attract into your life, whether positive or negative.

So if you’re worrying about whether or not your manifestation will work, you’re actually attracting MORE worry into your life.

This worry will only block your manifestation from coming to fruition.

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Take a few deep breaths and let it go because worry is nothing more than a negative thought pattern that CAN be fixed.

How to stop worrying about your manifestation

1. Focus on the things you can control

When you’re worrying, you’re usually focusing on things out of your control.

The truth is, you can’t do anything about most of the things you worry about.

So instead of worrying, focus on the things you CAN control.

For example, if you’re worried about whether or not your manifestation will come true, focus on what you can do to make it more likely to happen.

Are you taking action steps towards your goal?

Are you staying positive and optimistic?

Are you practicing manifestation techniques daily?

Focusing on the things you can control will help take the focus off of things you can’t and will help ease your worries.

2. Believe in yourself and your ability to manifest

When you believe in yourself and your ability to manifest, you are taking away the power of worry.

Worry only exists when we doubt ourselves and our ability to achieve our goals.

So if you believe that you can and will manifest your desires, there is no room for worry.

Sometimes beginners who are new to manifestation can struggle with this belief, but it’s something that you can work on and develop over time.

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The more you focus on your positive qualities and your ability to create change in your life, the more you will believe in yourself and your ability to manifest.

3. Trust the process

Manifestation is a process, and it takes time.

You likely won’t see results immediately, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t coming.

Trust that the process is working, even if you can’t see it.

Remind yourself that you are taking steps towards your goal and that the manifestation is happening even if it’s not happening in the way you expect.

Believe in the process, and trust that you will see results in the end.

4. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones

Worry is nothing more than a negative thought pattern that can be easily replaced.

You’ve just got to know how to do it.

The next time you find yourself worrying about your manifestation, take a step back and examine your thoughts.

Where does this worry come from?

Is it rational, or is it just a product of your imagination?

Once you’ve identified the source of your worry, replace those negative thoughts with positive ones.

You can do this by using positive affirmations, which are statements that you repeat to yourself to change your mindset.

Some positive affirmations you can use to stop worrying about your manifestation are:

  • “I have faith in the process of manifestation.”
  • “I am confident in my ability to create change.”
  • “I believe in myself and my ability to manifest my desires.”
  • “I am taking steps towards my goal.”
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Repeat these affirmations to yourself whenever you find yourself worrying about your manifestation.

5. Journal about your worries

There’s nothing quite like getting your thoughts down on paper to help ease them.

If you’re struggling with worry, try journaling about it.

My favorite way to journal is by writing down my thoughts and not overanalyzing whether they’re positive or negative.

It’s a way for me to let go of my thoughts and clear my head.

The next time you find yourself worrying about your manifestation, sit down and journal about it.

Allow yourself to be open and honest, and write down everything going through your head.

You may be surprised at how much lighter you feel after writing.

6. Take action towards your goal

When you know that you’re doing everything in your power to make your manifestation a reality, it’s easier to stop worrying.

Worrying often exists when we…

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