Using the Four Elements with Reiki

The concept that Reiki is a Universal Energy, is well known. Universal, meaning it can be found anywhere and be accessed. You might often hear a phrase similar to, Energy is Everywhere. I have been experimenting with channeling the four elements of air, earth, water, and fire into my Reiki practice. These elements have potent natural energies in them. We can try and access that energy while using Reiki.

There are several ways that you can try to use elemental energy. You can use representations, symbols, or, while outside in nature. I’ve mainly tried pairing elemental energy with Reiki energy while outside in nature. I think this creates a strong, physical and tangible connection with the elements.

For instance, before a big thunderstorm, when it’s still safe to be outside, I will go out into my yard and be with the wild, windy air. I love the power of the wind during storms. It’s so potent and powerful. The atmosphere changes with the wind and the coming storm. There’s a charge in the air. Grounding yourself is key to working with the elements. So, while I am outside, I do visualize being connected to the earth below and the sky above. Just as I ask permission to use Reiki, I ask the wind permission to use its energy. I then see, in my mind’s eye, the two energies converging. I can use this Universal Energy immediately in a self-Reiki session, or, I can send it out to the world as a Reiki infused intention for manifestation.

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I have tried several methods for using the element water. I thought it would be easier, to actually be, in the water at the time. However, I have had very little success combining water and Reiki energies when I am in a lake, creek, stream, or a rainstorm. My successes have come when I am right beside the body of water.

Earth is very accessible and melds easily with Reiki. A simple walk with plants, trees, or just touching the grass. Just find a simple way to be connected to the ground beneath you. Walking in the woods does create a stronger connection to the energy, but that might not always be possible.

Using the Four Elements with Reiki

The sun is the first and most obvious choice to connect with the element of fire. Fire also brings me around to the idea of using symbols or representations. I’ve never come across a safe and natural fire. Living in the city also means that there are regulations about fire pits in backyards. Candles can work to stand in for fire. Unless, having candles lit in your house makes you uncomfortable (definitely if you have pets or children you need to be careful). A battery powered candle will work too.

A small bowl of water. A bit of sand from a vacation, pressed leaves, twigs, or pinecones can represent the earth. Air from a fan or diffuser. A lit candle, or light. There are so many ways that you can find an alternate and accessible way to work with the elements. This is how you can bring the elements into a Reiki session with a client if they agree to the idea, by bringing the…

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